Relation Between Diabetes and Kidney Failure

In case you have diabetes, do get yourself checked for kidney disease.

1. Chronic Kidney Disease

The core functionality of our kidneys is to purify our bloodstream from all the toxic waste and flush it out in the form of urine. Chronic Kidney Disease is a slow process in which our kidneys lose the strength to filter out debris. Often people don’t realize that they have kidney dysfunction; as a result, it is left unnoticed.

1.1 Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidney failure depends on the various reasons that directly or indirectly affect our kidneys, such as:

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High Blood pressure

  • High blood pressure can cause nerves around the kidneys to shrink, become weak, or become hard, and blood is not properly circulated to the kidneys.


  • Smoking slows down blood flow towards important organs like kidneys, ultimately causing disease.

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  • The increased amount of blood toxins due to obesity increases the pressure on the kidney, resulting in a high risk of CKD.

Inherited Kidney related disease

With every generation, diseases are also passed on to the next generation. Even though the probability of getting a kidney-related disease from your parents is 1 out of every 800 people, a sinful lifestyle can instigate the genes.

1.2 Symptoms

As this disease is slow hence the symptoms develop slowly and gradually. Most of the time, people don’t experience any symptoms unless and until it gets hard for their body to function. Here are some of the common symptoms that may occur while suffering from CKD:

  • Weight Loss or Poor appetite
  • Swollen feet, hands, or fingers
  • Tiredness
  • Blood in urine
  • Itchy Skin
  • Difficulty in sleeping

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1.3 Precautions

Once infected by chronic kidney disease, it is impossible to stop it, but you can take needed precautions never to start it in the first place or slow it down. Here are some of the protection that you should take.

No Smoking

If you are diagnosed with CKD or have some visible symptoms, it’s time you quit smoking. It slows your blood flow and increases the chances of stroke or heart attack.

Eat Healthily

Keeping your macro and micronutrients in check is important as good nutrition can help you recover.

Reduce Alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can instigate high blood pressure or colostral, which is dangerous for a person suffering from chronic kidney disease.

Workout daily

A regular workout can help you achieve an equal blood flow to all your body parts and keep your heart healthy.


Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the blood sugar level is increased. Blood sugar is the source of energy for our body. At times our body stops reacting to insulin, a hormone that helps dissolve glucose in our blood. There are two types of Diabetes.

2.1 Types of Diabetes

Type 1

  • If someone is diagnosed with type-1 diabetes, their body is not creating insulin. As a result, people with type-1 diabetes take insulin shots daily to stay alive.

Type 2

  • If someone is diagnosed with type-1 diabetes, their body is not creating insulin. As a result, people with type-1 diabetes take insulin shots daily to stay alive.

2.2 Causes of Diabetes

Even though the chances of a person who has diabetes are interdependent on other diseases such as:

  • Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Eye Problems
  • Nerve Damage

2.3 Symptoms

Even though there are no visible symptoms of diabetes in most of the cases. Here are some of the common symptoms:

  • Increased Thirst
  • Frequent Urination
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fatigue

2.4 Precautions

Even though diabetes is an incurable disease, following these precautions can help you prevent making the situation worse:

  • Lose unwanted weight
  • Workout Daily
  • Eat healthy fats
  • Eat freshly cooked

Diabetes and Kidney Failure

Diabetic kidney disease or diabetic nephropathy is kidney disease caused by diabetes. It’s a very common diabetic complication, affecting about one-third of people with diabetes type 1 and half of those with diabetes type 2.

Diabetic kidney disease is responsible for most of the excess mortality associated with diabetes. Because the kidneys remove metabolic wastes, control blood pH, and regulate fluid and electrolytes.

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Loss of kidney function increases toxic waste, electrolyte imbalance, and other health problems. The disease develops slowly over time, progressing from renal insufficiency to end-stage renal failure.

Often, the initial loss of renal tissue does not produce any symptoms. Symptoms appear when a significant loss of kidney function is already lost. The ability to concentrate urine is usually the first to be impaired, resulting in frequent trips to the bathroom, especially at night.

Chronic high blood glucose levels, along with high blood pressure caused by diabetes, damage tiny blood vessels in the kidneys, affecting their functions. Cellular degeneration in the functional units of the kidneys, and the nephrons, in particular, are the major causes of CKD. Diabetes when miss managed becomes the major reason behind kidney failure. Because there are no visible symptoms of kidney damage in the initial phase, it is important for diabetes patients to get their kidneys checked regularly.

3.1 Diagnosis methods

Several tests can be performed to test nephropathy, such as:

Urine Test

  • An abnormal level of protein in the kidneys is a sign of nephropathy.

Blood Pressure

  • A certain increment in blood pressure is one of the results of nephropathy.

Blood test

  • Check the purification levels of the blood.


  • A small amount of kidney muscle is tested in the lab to check if diabetes has affected the kidney or not.

Kidney Ultrasound

  • Kidney arteries are checked to see if the flow is consistent or not.

3.2 Treatment Available

There is no treatment available for kidneys to cure diabetes. The only thing that can be done is a precaution and proper medication to prevent and slow down the process.


The best way to deal with this disease is by preventing it from happening in the first place. This can be done by maintaining a low blood sugar levels.


This majorly includes medication like allopathy or Ayurveda to prevent blood sugar levels and blood pressure from increasing.


Dialysis, also known as artificial kidney treatment, is used in the end stage of the kidney. It includes purifying the bloodstream with a machine. Once a person is kept on dialysis, there is no going back. They can’t survive without it.

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Kidney Transplant:

A healthy kidney is replaced either by someone who has died or a family member.

In the end, debates and kidney failure are both deadly diseases, and it is hard to time that we understand the importance of living a healthy and active life. Keep all the symptoms in mind. Everyone should get themselves checked regularly to avoid the worst consequences.

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