Is Mango Good for Kidney Patients?

People often ask, "is mango good for kidney patients?" because many kidney patients are not sure about fruits like Mango. So, let's understand the benefits of eating raw Mango and ripe Mango for kidney patients and the negative effects associated with it, if there are any.

Mango is the most popular fruit in India; also, it is known as the king of fruits. It comes in wide distinct varieties and is also consumed in several different forms, such as sweet dishes, pickles, juice, etc.

A variety of mangoes such as Badami, Alphonso, and Kesar are eaten commonly across India throughout the months of April, June, and July.

How are raw Mangoes for Kidney Patients?

Raw mangoes have a much stronger taste as compared to ripe mangoes. They are rich in various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Also, they contain anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial substances. All these nutrients present in raw mangoes are useful for the kidneys.

But for people having Chronic Kidney Disease, it is suggested to keep in mind the number of raw mangoes consumed as they are rich in minerals like potassium. In people with healthy kidneys, potassium levels in the body are controlled by the diet, and the surplus potassium is removed by the kidneys via urine.

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However, in a person with CKD, the condition of the kidney will not be at its best to regulate mineral levels, which means eating foods rich in potassium can lead to high potassium levels in the blood. Therefore, it is essential to manage the intake of minerals like phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. Distinct mangoes have distinct amounts of nutrients, which will vary depending on the size and type of the mangoes.

As mentioned above, there are different types of mangoes like Kesari, Alphonso, badam, etc. All of them share almost similar nutrients; the exact number may vary between them; some will be lower in their potassium levels, and some will be higher.

It is always advisable to talk to a nutritionist or a dietician about including raw mangoes in the diet.

Are ripe Mangoes beneficial for CKD patients?

Ripe mangoes are especially rich in carbohydrates; therefore, it's essential for people whose kidney disease started because of diabetes to avoid or limit fruits high in their glycaemic index to avoid a big blood glucose spike.

For a person suffering from CKD, kidney function will seriously decline as compared to a healthy person. Generally, ripe mangoes would not be suggested to a CKD patient because of their high potassium levels, which may raise the load on the kidney to manage blood potassium levels. For CKD patients, it is wise to maintain a healthy diet.

Eating a ripe mango is not a problem for people with healthy kidneys. However, it would not be recommended for a CKD patient to eat ripe mangoes so that further worsening of kidney damage can be avoided.

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Can patients with kidney stones eat Mango?

Mangoes have a good amount of citrate, which is useful in preventing kidney stones. That's not all citrate present in mangoes are useful in preventing the chemical formulation that triggers the occurrence of kidney stones.

Therefore, kidney stone patients can eat mangoes, which might benefit the condition. But remember to eat it in a limited amount even if it's healthy because everyone knows excess of everything is bad for the health.

What precautions should kidney patients take while having Mango?

High in Sugar - Mangoes are rich in sugar content. Each ripe Mango has approximately 23 grams of sugar, primarily fructose.

Processed Mangoes - Kidney patients need to be careful where they are purchasing the mangoes, as in some places, mangoes are ripened artificially using chemicals, which can be harmful to the kidneys of CKD patients.

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Closing Thoughts

The intake of mangoes is healthy and can play a vital role in preventing kidney disease as it has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties present in it. But for kidney patients, it is necessary to talk to the health care experts before including it in the diet. Mangoes do have several health benefits, but eating them excessively can be harmful to health.

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