Low Protein Diet For Kidney Patient

Protein is a very important element for our body, but consuming too much of it can prove to be harmful to your body somewhere. It is known to all that excessive dosage of protein has a bad effect on the kidney, and due to this, many problems arise. Kidney problem is such that it can be a bit difficult to recognize in the initial time, and if more protein is consumed due to this problem, it can prove to be fatal at times.

But this does not mean that you should stop taking protein, you should take protein, but in what quantity you should take it only after the doctor's advice if you are suffering from kidney problem, and after that you can consume more amount of protein. So maybe we don't need to tell you what can happen to you. Just understand that one carelessness done by you can take you away from this world forever.

Protein goes into our body with the food we take, then our kidney separates the protein from our blood and takes it out of the body through urine; the kidney does this process. It is the work of the kidney to reduce the increased creatinine level in the blood, and in such a situation, if you consume more protein than necessary, then the kidney has to work in excess. Due to which the work pressure on the kidney becomes more that causing kidney failure.

Kidney function in the human body:

The kidney is an important part of the human body, and we need to keep it healthy. Because the kidney is not fit, some physical problem surrounds you. When your kidney is healthy, you will not have any health problems.

The kidney is such a filter machine in your body, whose job is to filter your blood and remove its dirt from the body through urine. When this body's dirt does not come out of the way of urine, then many more diseases occur in the body.

Low Protein Diet:

A low protein diet means limiting the amount of protein in the diet. Protein contains about 16% nitrogen, which the body expels in urine as urea. But if a person has kidney problems, then such a person's body cannot handle the high amount of protein. Due to this, urea, ammonia, or other toxic nitrogen metabolites build up in the blood.

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These metabolites can be life-threatening if they build up in the body in an uncontrolled way. That's why doctors recommend kidney patients take a low protein diet to stop the disease before it gets worse.

Low Protein Diet For Kidney Patient:

Doctors recommend taking a low protein diet for such patients suffering from kidney disease. When we consume foods rich in protein, our body starts producing a compound called urea which is excreted through urine. But, when a person's kidneys are not working properly, this urea begins accumulating in the blood. The patient starts having many problems like fatigue, loss of appetite, and heart disease. Doctors often recommend a protein intake of less than 0.6–0.8 g/kg/day for patients with CKD.

Low protein fruits:

Including apples, bananas, pears, peaches, berries, red grapes, pineapples.

low protein vegetables:

tomatoes, asparagus, peppers, broccoli, spinach, leafy greens, cauliflower, garlic, onions, cabbage, radishes.

Low protein cereals and pulses:

In which rice, oats, bread, pasta, barley, buckwheat can be included.

If you eat wheat flour bread along with millet, jowar flour, and corn in your food, it will be better for your health and help remove the problem of the kidney. If you consume gram dal, peas, moong dal in pulses, it will be beneficial for you, and at the same time, it will also cut the amount of creatinine increasing in the blood.

About milk, curd, cheese and everything made from milk, this you can include in your diet. There is not much pressure, but kidney patients should note that they should consume these things only after the doctor's advice if they have a high amount of kidney problems.

If you consume egg white, meat, fish, idli-dosa, lentil-rice, soybean, peas, gram, peanuts, or sprouts, which can also be called sprouted pulses in your food, it will give you protein naturally. If you pay attention to your health and do workouts, including these things in your diet will be more beneficial than protein supplements, but consuming all these things in limited quantities; otherwise, these things will damage your kidney.

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So these were some low-protein diet foods that kidney patients can consume. But keep in mind that kidney patients should not make any changes in their diet without the doctor's advice.

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