Can Fasting Increase Creatinine Levels?

Fasting is considered a holy thing, especially in Asian countries. Indians have various festivals that include partial or complete fasting. During the months of Ramadan, Navaratri, and other various festivals, people spend almost ten to eighteen hours of there without eating and drinking. These gaps between manucaption may affect the biological factors of an individual. As for renal patients, they cannot afford to skip a meal even when assigned a kidney diet chart accordingly. The Chronic Kidney Disease patients are advised not to fast; the reason being fasting can elevate the bar of complications and risks to their health.

The nephrologists have often solicited the same but the holy feelings and culture of Indians restrict the recommendation. Dehydration is one of the major causes of increasing creatinine; a patient dealing with the same will get the levels elevated. As per the guidelines of Ayurvedic treatment to reduce high serum creatinine, the patients need to keep themselves hydrated and filled in order to lower the levels. In such a scenario, fasting is not a favorable opinion.

This year the Ramadan has begun from May. Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam that includes fasting for at least eighteen hours. The time gap between the first and the next meal in such cases is not good and may complicate the condition of kidneys even more. If a healthy person on fasting keep on doing his regular work and activities but doesn’t eat enough like the other days, he starts to lose his efficiency after a few hours of fasting. The biological factors he observes are headache, stomach pain, etc. Imaging a diseased doing could be obvious.

In the studies conducted by the scientists and the healthcare professionals at Hassan II University Hospital in Fez, Morocco; the collective results mentioned that the patients who were fasting have had a fifty percent negative impact on their kidneys. Ayurvedic treatment to reduce high serum creatinine may get complicated to proceed with if the patient continues his fasting. Evacuating the root causes of the problem depends on how well and with how much determination the patient is following the prescribed guidelines.

Creatinine is a waste that the body generates after the metabolic activities performed by the body. It is the job of the liver to produce energy agent creatine every day. At least four percent of the produced creatine is filtered by the kidneys in the form of creatinine that releases through the urine. To keep this processing intact, a person needs to keep himself hydrated and away from all the causes that can damage the filters of kidneys. Ayurvedic treatment to reduce high serum creatinine emphasis on the evacuation of the root causes, theses causes are:

1. Dehydration.

2. Inadequate supply of food-driven energy to the body.

3. Overconsumption of drugs and narcotics.

4. Overproduction of protein.

5. Dependency on antibiotics.

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To revive the functioning of kidneys through the natural processes; it is necessary to follow the guidelines of Ayurvedic treatment to reduce high serum creatinine levels. In some religions, having medicines are allowed and so people choose to fast with medication. In such cases, the danger of high creatinine levels may reduce but will not end. You can continue fasting once you revive the functioning of kidneys completely, not before that. The ‘Can fasting increase creatinine levels?’ has always been a controversial topic in Islamic countries and so the nephrologists maybe are withdrawing their petitions. Every religion has its own rules and regulations but it depends on the person how strictly he is following. Fasting with high creatinine levels in countries like India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and similar countries is a sentimental aspect. Fasting can indeed increase the levels of wastes in blood when the body is suffering from complications of kidney diseases.

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Ayurvedic treatment to reduce high serum creatinine is a simplified procedure of medical treatment that enables all the blocked channels of kidneys and helps in the reincarnation of the renal system naturally. It integrates the utilization of such natural resources that are beneficial for kidneys.

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