Is Cabbage Good for High Creatinine?

With more than 7.8 million people suffering from a kidney-related disease in India, it is considered the sixth fastest-growing cause of death globally. In times like these being completely dependent on doctors and medication should be considered a big mistake. A change in lifestyle and nutrition needs to be done.

A change in nutrition does not mean that we stop living our lives and eating what we love to it. Eating a monotonous diet results in a disheartening attempt to make a big difference. Experimenting and experiencing a variety of food options is the key. One such vegetable is cabbage let us find out if cabbage is good for kidney-related diseases like a spike in the creatinine levels.

Why do we need a plant-based diet?

For someone who is suffering from high creatinine, the number of food options gets limited due to the nutrition requirements. It is suggested to consider low sodium, low protein, and a low phosphorus diet to reduce the amount of waste in your bloodstream. This kind of diet helps enhance kidney functioning and reduces the chances of complete kidney failure.

Here are some of the basic steps that a person should follow while preparing their plan-based meal to get the best outcomes:

Also Read - Two Recipes That Can Change Your Taste During Diabetic Kidney Disease

1. Reduce Sodium Consumption

Instead of consuming pre-cooked meals, it’s suggested that a person should eat fresh and maintain low sodium while cooking it.

2. Classify Protein Intake

A plant-based diet is naturally protein deficit but protein plays an essential part in our strength and muscle building hence it’s important to identify suitable protein sources for your body.

A plant-based diet is naturally protein deficit but protein plays an essential part in our strength and muscle building hence it’s important to identify suitable protein sources for your body.

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3. Keep Your Heart Healthy

A person suffering from kidney disease can’t afford to face high or low blood pressure as it can be fatal for the patient hence it’s important to keep your heart healthy with particular food items.

4. Reduce phosphorus

Too much phosphorus in your body may pull calcium out of your bones ultimately making them weak. So, make sure you keep the phosphorus intake in check.

5. Properties of cabbage

Even though cabbage can be consumed in various forms but when you boil cabbage a chemical named myrosinase is released this compound is incredible anti-carcinogenic and helps us stop cancer.

Cabbage is amazing for our digestive system natural chemical in it called Muzil agents polysaccharides can help heal your stomach of ulcers over time.

Cabbage is a great source of beta-carotene something that helps the liver purge itself of toxins.

Cabbage is low on potassium which is good for kidney patients as it helps them maintain their potassium intake balanced.

Also Read - What does it mean when creatinine is high, and eGFR is low

6. Recipes

1.1 Cabbage Slaw

1.2 Ingredients

  1. 2 Cups of Green Cabbage shredded
  2. 1 Cups Red Cabbage shredded
  3. 2 Cups Carrots shredded
  4. 1/2 Cup Cilantro washed and chopped
  5. 2 Tbsp. Lime Juice freshly squeezed
  6. 3 Tbsp. Olive Oil

1.3 Preparation

  1. Mix all the ingredients well.
  2. Cook an hour or two earlier and let flavors seep in.

7. Seasoned Cabbage Steaks

1.1 Ingredients

  1. 1 medium cabbage head
  2. 2 tablespoons olive oil
  3. 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  4. 1 tablespoon salt-free herb seasoning
  5. 1 tablespoon fresh dill weed

1.2 Preparation

  1. Preheat the oven to 350° F.
  2. Cut cabbage head into six 1" thick slices.
  3. Arrange cabbage slices on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle seasoning blend and dill weed over cabbage. Cover with aluminum foil.
  4. Bake for 45 minutes. Remove foil and let cabbage steaks brown in the oven for 15 minutes longer.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure in India

This was us on the benefits of cabbage and how it can be your go-to vegetable when you feel like eating something tasty. Stay tuned for more such interesting content. Reach out to our health experts if you need some special treatment.

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