What are the ayurvedic guidelines of nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment Guidelines

Kidneys are the universal epitome of multitasking as they handle many functions at the same time. One of the crucial tasks of these bean-shaped organs is the purification of your blood. A string of health conditions can cause irreparable damage to the entire system of kidneys, and nephrotic syndrome is one of them.

This content consists of information associated with the pathology of nephrotic syndrome and its ayurvedic treatment.

What is Nephrotic syndrome?

A nephrotic syndrome is defined as a group of signs denoting the impairment of kidneys. An unhealthy kidney disturbs the whole systematic behaviour of the kidneys. If nephrotic syndrome is ignored and is left untreated in time, the kidney disease could lead to a severe stage of kidney failure.


Glomeruli are tiny blood vessels that play a crucial role in separating the wastes and excess fluids from your body. They function as filtering tubes in the body. That waste and water accumulates in your bladder and leaves your body as urine. However, the by-products are eliminated from the body.

Damage in the knots of blood vessels causes the protein known as albumin to leak into the urine. This blood protein seeps through the filters in your urine. To sum up the whole disease, an excess amount of protein present in your urine is known as nephrotic syndrome.

What are the indications of Nephrotic syndrome?

Sudden and unusual physical changes in your body may indicate the internal state of the human body. Kidney diseases are silent and insidious villains that hamper your body without showcasing any signs in the initial stages. Some symptoms only become noticeable when the kidney issue has progressed to its extreme level. That's why you should acquire proper knowledge of the symptoms, which can assist in identifying the stage of nephrotic syndrome.

If you or someone you know have underlying health issues, consult a doctor as soon as the disease is detected.

  • Swelling within the feet, ankles, and face due to the accumulation of waste in the body.
  • Fatigue due to the interference in the process of filtration.
  • Foamy or bubbly urine is the outcome of the excess protein in your urine.
  • Lack of appetite caused by fluid retention, accumulation of waste, and weak digestive system.
  • Weight gain: The gradual rate of obesity rises.

What are the causes of nephrotic syndrome?

The nephrotic syndrome occurs when the glomeruli procure excess, and an excess amount of protein is eliminated with urine. This kidney disorder can also be caused because of various health conditions:

  1. Diabetic kidney disease: This condition raises the sugar levels in the blood, which is not healthy for the kidneys.
  2. Minimal change disease: This condition is the common reason for abnormal kidney function, mainly in infants. It can not be found through a telescope because examining kidney tissues is performed through a telescope, and the result is expected.
  3. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: This is an inherited disorder that can scar the glomeruli leading to nephrotic syndrome.
  4. Membranous nephropathy: This condition stiffens the membrane within glomeruli leading to nephrotic syndrome.
  5. Systemic lupus erythematosus: This condition is a severe health condition that causes irreparable damage to the kidneys.
  6. Amyloidosis: Buildups of amyloid proteins in your organs can result in amyloidosis. 

Read More - Children Problem Nephrotic Syndrome 

How can I prevent nephrotic syndrome?

Prevention is crucial for surviving the episode of the symptoms of nephrotic syndrome. These are the preventive measures for the nephrotic syndrome:

  • Manage your blood pressure levels and diabetes because they are the primary culprits of causing damage to kidney diseases.
  • Do not consume non-prescribed medicines as they affect your immune system and decrease your ability to combat diseases.
  • Prepare a well-disciplined routine and lead a healthy lifestyle.

What are the complications of nephrotic syndrome?

  • High blood pressure
  • Acute kidney injury
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Infections
  • Blood clots
  • High blood cholesterol and elevated blood triglycerides.
  • Poor nutrition
  • Kidney failure

What are the nephrotic syndrome treatment guidelines in Ayurveda?

Healthy kidneys need nutrients to function well. The nephrotic syndrome treatment guidelines in Ayurveda state that a person should follow a healthy diet and lifestyle to acquire good health and vitality of the kidneys. Ayurveda recommends yoga asanas that are renal friendly and works for the betterment of kidney function. Herbal management is another factor that is considered a crucial step in nephrotic syndrome treatment guidelines.The herb based medications are produced using renal friendly herbs and heals the damaged filters of kidneys for saving the protein from leaking into the urine. Ayurveda is the best treatment option for nephrotic syndrome as it treats the disease from the core and helps the kidney acquire their filtering abilities.

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