Can kidney failure survival consume fish?


Yes, consuming fish is beneficial for kidney patients. Renal dietitians also encourage having at least two servings of fish every week to people on hemodialysis. Consuming fish can be extremely effective for diabetic patients and also a person with compromised kidneys' functioning.


Yes, consuming fish is beneficial for kidney patients. Renal dietitians also encourage having at least two servings of fish every week to people on hemodialysis. Consuming fish can be extremely effective for diabetic patients and also a person with compromised kidneys' functioning.

Researches have shown that consuming fishes, such as- Salmon, tuna, mackerel can steadily lower the levels of protein in the urine. Having protein in urine for more than 6 months confirms proteinuria, it's a condition in which a person hammers around 3 grams of protein every day through urine. Several health complications come with proteinuria, such as-

  • Fatty liver
  • High blood pressure
  • Excessive hair loss
  • Skin and nail problems
  • Low muscle growth
  • Weak bones with higher risk of getting fracture
  • Stunted muscle growth in children

Proteinuria, if not controlled, can gradually lead you to a permanent loss of kidneys' functioning, and consuming fish can help you to fight off this problem naturally. Previous studies confirm that consuming fish or fish oil can lower protein levels in urine, enhances glucose tolerance, reduces fat deposits in the blood, and also controls your blood pressure- people who are suffering from type 2 diabetes are also advised to have at least two servings of Salmon in a week. According to the recent data recorded from a urine test and dietary questionnaires, researchers found that diabetic patients who ate less than one serving of fish in a week are at higher risk of developing macroalbuminuria (a condition leads to a higher concentration of protein in urine) that those who consume fish or fish oil regularly.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure 

Which fish is beneficial for kidney patients?

According to doctors, it's unclear what exactly suppresses the symptoms of proteinuria in diabetic and kidney patients; whether it's the fish or a type of protein in the fish, the answer still remains unknown. They have simply shown the fact that adding fish to your diet can have a positive effect on your kidneys' functioning. Fatty fishes, such as tuna, Salmon, and cold-water fishes, are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that our body cannot make, which means it should come from the diet.

What about salt?

Your salt intake depends on the severity of the disease or how much percentage of kidneys' functioning you've left with. However, we should not eat more than 2,300 mg of salt every day. You're likely to have a high blood pressure problem if you eat more than the given numbers. High blood pressure can narrow, harden, or weaken your kidneys' functioning. So in order to protect your kidneys from getting further damaged, it's advised to consult your doctor or renal dietitian to know how much salt you can consume with fish. Also, avoid processed or canned fish because they are loaded with several artificial preservatives, additives, salt, potassium, and phosphorus ingredients, such as sauces that may affect your kidneys' functioning.

Let's take a close look at the symptoms of chronic kidney injury so that you can prevent the budding threat in time, and you don't have to restrict yourself from delicious foods and beverages.

What kidney can patients eat?

The life of kidney patients is quite tough and challenging because, like everyone, they never expected their lives to turn out in this way. Kidney problems change everything; they have to restrict themselves from certain foods and have to follow a low-in sodium bland kidney-friendly diet, which is no fun. Living with chronic kidney failure doesn't necessarily mean feeling deprived. With good knowledge, you can learn to prevent the effectiveness of kidney disease by making some healthful and enjoyable food choices, which include-

  • Cabbage
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Brown rice
  • Buckwheat
  • Whole-grain pasta
  • Quinoa
  • Fish (Salmon, sardines, mackerel, and herring)
  • Black beans
  • Kidney beans
  • Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits

Foods to avoid

  • Sweetened and carbonated beverages
  • Trans fat
  • White bread and pasta
  • Flavored yogurt
  • Sweetened cereals
  • flavored coffee
  • Processed or canned foods
  • Processed fruit juice
  • French fries

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