Can Ayurveda provide an effective cure to albumin in urine?

Albumin is a kind of essential protein that is usually found in your blood. Protein is a vital nutrient for the body as it helps build muscle, repair wear and tear of tissue, and fight several infections. Albumin is also one of the important proteins for your body. It should be in your blood but not in urine. If you have abnormal or excess protein in the urine, it is called albuminuria or proteinuria.


Albumin is present in your blood that helps carry vitamins and other essential nutrients. It also plays a crucial role in preventing fluids from leaking out of your bloodstream. Kidneys maintain blood albumin levels as they keep necessary albumin in the bloodstream while letting extra protein pass into the urine for excretion. When kidney filters damage, they start leaking too much protein in the urine. However, some other factors may also cause high albumin in urine: strenuous workout, dehydration, stress, etc. Such cases of albuminuria need no specific treatment. However, if you have any kidney problem responsible for high albumin in urine, you should seek medical advice immediately. Albumin urine treatment in Ayurveda can help overcome this kidney disorder naturally.

Causes and Symptoms of albumin in urine

There may be various causes of albumin in urine. And each cause has different symptoms. Several causes can cause symptoms to appear, and one should consult a doctor immediately if he experiences any symptoms of albumin in urine. The leading causes of albumin in urine include;


It's a common cause of albumin in urine which is temporary. Our body makes use of water to deliver albumin to the kidneys. Without water, this natural process is disturbed. As a result, if kidneys do not transfer essential albumin to the bloodstream, it reaches the urine. Dehydration can be caused by medical conditions like vomiting, insufficient water or other fluid, diarrhoea, excessive sweating, etc. When albuminuria happens due to dehydration, a patient may have the below symptoms;

  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Increased thirst
  • Dark urine color
  • Reduced urine output
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth or skin

High blood pressure

Increased blood pressure or hypertension can cause the weakening of the blood vessels in the kidneys. It can decrease your glomeruli's ability to reabsorb protein that may leak into the urine. High blood pressure may affect your body gradually; therefore, a person may be diagnosed with albumin in urine for years. In severe cases, high blood pressure may cause;

  • Breath shortness
  • Severe headaches
  • Nosebleeding

So, it's better to check your blood pressure by routine tests and aim to keep them under the normal range to keep such complications at bay.


High blood sugar put pressure on your kidneys to filter the blood. When kidneys have to work hard, they get weak and eventually damaged. Consequently, kidneys' filtering capacity reduces significantly. Your kidneys filter less blood than usual. At this health condition, albumin in urine increases. The symptoms of albumin in urine occurring due to diabetes are;

  • Frequent urination
  • Feeling fatigued
  • Blurred vision
  • Abnormal or unusual weight loss
  • Increased hunger and thirst

Chronic Kidney Disease

The gradual or progressive kidney functioning loss is called chronic kidney disease. It can cause albumin in urine in the early stages, but it's not noticeable because there is a slight rise in the albumin level in urine which doesn't cause any problem. However, albuminuria due to CKD can cause some symptoms, which include;

  1. Vomiting
  2. Trouble in sleeping
  3. Hiccups
  4. Dry or itchy skin
  5. Poor appetite
  6. Frequent urge to urinate


Inflammation of Glomeruli in your kidneys is called glomerulonephritis in medical terms. This problem can cause Nephrotic Syndrome that has many symptoms, mainly;

  • Reduced albumin level in the blood
  • Increased albumin in the blood
  • A rise in fat and cholesterol levels in the blood
  • Swelling in hands, ankle, feet or legs

How do I know if I have protein in urine?

Urinalysis is a commonly used test to determine whether a person has a normal albumin level in urine. You may receive the report of the test after 24 hours. Some blood tests may also be used to know the amount of albumin present in the blood. With blood and urine tests reports, your doctor can determine what treatment you should choose for albuminuria.

Treatment for albumin in urine

Proteinuria can be managed with modern treatment but can’t be cured effectively. However, choosing the best albumin urine treatment in Ayurveda can provide lasting relief.

Ayurveda is an ancient holistic treatment system that works on the internal aspect of the body to promote overall health. This holistic treatment mainly emphasizes on correcting the body’s internal disturbances, mainly Doshas, Dhatus, or other biological energies. Ayurveda believes that a balanced state of biological energies is required for a healthy body. When any of these internal body energies disturbs, people get health problems. In albumin in urine caused by kidney disease, Ayurveda says that all the three Doshas become disturbed, so treatment should aim to balance doshas level again.

Ayurvedic treatment for albumin in urine mainly aims to balance the body's Doshic properties and helps relieve complications and symptoms of this problem. Ayurvedic treatment for albumin in urine process mainly consists of some herbal medications, ancient therapies and diet alternations. Additionally, an Allopathic practitioner may also suggest a patient to make some changes in his lifestyle. A personalized combination of herbal medications and medical practices help cure the cause of the disease, i.e. a kidney problem. Additionally, it also works on symptoms and complications of the problem.

When a patient with albuminuria chooses albumin urine treatment in Ayurveda, he can naturally get permanent relief from the problem. The main characteristic of this holistic treatment is that it causes a permanent cure and has no risks or side effects. In a nutshell, albumin urine treatment in Ayurveda offers a permanent cure to albuminuria and normalizes albumin in the urine.

Acquire the best albumin urine treatment in Ayurveda to overcome complications of the problem naturally.

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