How can we reduce creatinine level?

Creatinine is a waste substance that is produced due to muscle metabolism. This waste product is transported to bloodstream soon after its formation by the liver. Through blood, it reaches kidneys and kidneys expel it through the urine. However, a little amount of creatinine is left by the kidneys that's considered normal. The normal Serum creatinine range for a healthy male is 0.6 to 1.2 mg/dL. In an adult healthy female, this range is 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL. This range may also vary as per age, muscle mass, physical activities, etc.

Ayurvedic Treatment Creatinine

Behind increasing serum creatinine level, many factors can be responsible. Strenuous workout, dehydration, certain pharmaceuticals, diabetes, thyroid problem, fever, and stress may also elevate blood creatinine level. These factors can temporarily increase creatinine levels while a kidney problem is seen as the main cause of higher creatinine levels. Sometimes, a higher creatinine level due to poor habits taking creatine supplement, and eating protein-rich diet cause increase creatinine level. If one follows these practices, his kidneys may become ill soon. So, if you have persistently high creatinine level in your blood, you should immediately take action to lower it as you are at a higher risk of kidney damage.

Here we’ll look at some working ways to reduce creatinine effectively.

Avoid vigorous exercise

Though workout or exercising is good for your health but excess of anything is bad. Doing intense workout or heavy workout elevates your creatine level. Muscle metabolism or digestion is responsible for producing creatinine and therefore overdoing strenuous exercises can raise creatinine levels.

One should replace intense workout sessions with light exercises to stop creatinine from increasing. Practicing Yoga and Pranayam can be even better.

Don't take creatine supplement

Unused or waste creatine turns into creatinine. When you take creatine supplement, your body uses a little amount of it while most quantity goes unused and thus a high amount of creatinine is formed. It's not good for your kidneys.

Try to avoid creatine supplement and rely on natural eatables to gain muscles naturally and stop pressurizing your kidneys.

Reduce your protein intake

Many studies have proved that taking high amount of protein (especially in form of meat or red meat) can elevated creatinine levels. One should try to limit his protein intake to control his creatinine level in the blood. In order to know the right amount of protein you should take, talk to your dietician.

Increase fiber amount in your diet

Fiber can help lower creatinine level naturally, therefore you should increase your fiber intake so that you can keep high creatinine complications at bay.

Take the right liquid amount

Dehydration is also responsible for increasing creatinine level; on the other hand, a high intake of creatinine can also cause creatinine level to rise. Ask your doctor about the right liquid intake so that it can't affect your creatinine level.

If you apply these changes in your day-to-day life, you can lower your creatinine level naturally. But even after following these practices, you are not able to get rid of increased creatinine complications, contact an experienced physician immediately.

In such a condition, heading towards Ayurvedic treatment can be beneficial and it will help you lower creatinine naturally.

Contact an Ayurveda charya or Ayurvedic doctor and let him aid you reduce your creatinine naturally.

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