Hydronephrosis: Causes and Ayurvedic Treatment

Hydronephrosis is a health condition where kidneys are not able to pass urine to bladder properly over a period that leads to swelling in kidneys. Though, swelling mainly occurs in one kidney, they can also affect both the kidneys sometimes. Kidney Hydronephrosis is a secondary condition that occurs due to underlying kidney problems causing the obstruction or blockage in urinary tract. The problem is common among children and pregnant women. Ayurvedic treatment works better than the conventional ones to overcome this kidney problem. In this health problem, taking timely treatment is crucial as it may cause irreversible damage to kidneys.


Causative factors for Hydronephrosis

Hydronephrosis may occur due to an ample of internal and external factors that affect urine elimination capability of kidneys. Some common causes of this problem are as below:

Any obstruction in the ureters that connect kidneys to bladder

  • Kidney stone
  • Condition of pregnancy
  • An enlarged prostate
  • Narrowing of ureter
  • Tumors in the ureter

In order to cure hydronephrosis, treating these underlying causative factors is a must. In hydronephrosis, Ayurvedic treatment can work as wonder.

Identification of hydronephrosis

The tests used for diagnosis of hydronephrosis are:-

Blood tests - These tests help determine kidneys' blood filtering ability.

Urine test - The test is used to look for the signs of urinary infection and stones that may cause obstruction in urinary tract.

Renal Ultrasound - This imaging test helps detect any structural abnormality in kidneys and urinary tract.

X-ray of Urinary tract - This test uses a specific type of dye to highlight the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra and captures their images. The images help your doctor determine any abnormality in urinary tract.

If the tests show swelling in kidneys, taking the best cure without making any delay is the only way to fight this problem. In this context, Ayurvedic hydronephrosis treatment has proved to provide a better cure in this kidney problem.

How does Ayurveda help cure hydronephrosis?

Ayurveda is an ancient healing method that acts upon internal core of body and finds out the disturbed point. According to this holistic program, every human body has three doshas and they exist in a balanced way. Whenever any of these doshas balance disturbs, one may develop some health problems. Ayurveda addresses the disturbed balance and therefore, takes steps to balance them naturally. Additionally, it also removes the existing health complications and symptoms therefore it provides a lasting cure. This natural healing program also works to restore the functioning of the damaged body section and rejuvenates it naturally.

In hydronephrosis treatment, Ayurveda follows its ancient healing methodology and thus acts upon several aspects of this kidney problem to cure it permanently. Initially, this treatment aims to identify the root causes of hydronephrosis and also the body type of the patient according to Ayurveda. Post analysis, hydronephrosis treatment in Ayurveda prepares a customized Ayurvedic treatment package that mainly consists of some herbal formulations, ancient curative therapies and a personalized diet. Additionally, this natural treatment also emphasizes on living a life in harmony with nature, for that it suggests few lifestyle modifications.

Ayurvedic treatment for hydronephrosis consists of relieving kidney swelling by curing the factor causing obstruction in urine flow. Additionally, it also ensures smooth kidney functionality by making your kidneys healthy. In this kidney problem, hydronephrosis treatment in Ayurveda brings into action some unrefined herbal medicines, some therapies and few alternations in lifestyle. Consequently, this treatment provides a permanent cure that is free from any sort of side-effects or consequences.

Opt for the best Ayurvedic treatment for hydronephrosis causes to permanently cure this problem for longer.

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