What are the signs of decreased kidney function?

In this rapidly evolving world, every day, we get to see any technological advancement but have you ever noticed why we are not able to tackle or prevent health problems even after much advancement in the healthcare industry? The reason is, we are a part of nature, and we invite health problems by going away from nature and practicing unnatural activities. We have forgotten the core, and therefore in such an advanced world, we have to spend a thick amount of our wages on health problems. A poor lifestyle is the core cause of many health problems, especially a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. People are getting prone to diseases because of living a life with nominal physical activities and eating junk or packaged foods. Due to this problem, people are developing diseases that were considered rare earlier, and therefore they have become common these days; kidney diseases are one of them. Here in this post, we’ll see how we can find this problem in its early phase to prevent its further worsening and enjoying a kidney complication-free life.


Kidneys are a pair of essential body organs that perform numerous functions for a health condition. These organs primarily make the body free from unwanted substances and wastes that may affect natural body functionality. Additionally, kidneys do many functions to keep the human body healthy.

Some signs of kidney diseases are as below:-

Feeling constantly tired throughout the day - When the kidney function decreases significantly, a buildup of toxins and unwanted substances occurs. This accumulation of wastes makes you feel constantly tired, weak, and therefore a problem in concentration.

Ayurvedic Kidney Failure Treatment

Dry and itchy skin - Kidneys help make red blood cells, keep bones strong, and regulate the blood's minerals' balance. If kidneys fail to maintain the right balance of the minerals and electrolytes in the blood, your skin may get dry and itchy. It's also a sign of weak bones. Urge to urinate more- When you notice an increased urge to urinate more often, especially at night, and this condition goes for weeks or months, it can be a sign of kidney disease. If the kidney filters become damaged, it can increase your urinating urge. You feel the need to go to the washroom over and over. In the case of urinary tract infection or enlarged prostate in men, one may also feel an increase in urinating urge.

Blood in urine - When the kidney filters are damaged, it causes blood cells to leak into the urine. As a result, one may notice blood in urine if his kidneys are damaged and unable to function.

Foamy urine - In the condition of kidney filters' damage, kidneys become incapable of regulating the right level of albumin in the blood and start leaking out excess protein into the urine. The presence of a high amount of albumin makes urine foamy and bubbly.

Persistent puffiness around eyes - When your kidneys lose excess protein in the urine, one may experience puffiness on his face, especially around the eyes.

Swollen ankles and feet - In severe kidney damage, fluid and sodium retention occurs in the body. This retention causes swelling in the hands, feet, and ankles.

If you have any one of more of these symptoms, seek medical help immediately. In such a condition, one should not take it lightly as it can turn life-threatening.

In any kidney problem, preferring the ancient healing program (Ayurveda) over Allopathy can prove beneficial in kidney disease treatment. Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment emphasizes on working on different aspects of a kidney problem and naturally rejuvenates kidneys’ health. Eventually, this natural treatment removes all kidney complications and makes your kidneys healthy. This natural treatment utilizes some natural herbs, ancient therapies, dietary changes, and a few other lifestyle modifications. With a customized treatment, Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment helps you eliminate all signs of kidney disease by improving your kidneys’ naturally.

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