What is the best Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine?

Not only one, but Ayurveda offers a combination of ancient therapies that can help to blow down your high creatinine level in a normal range. Talking about high creatinine, this problem has become commonplace, and the ratio also doesn't seem to be slowing down. A high creatinine level itself doesn't cause any harm to your body, but it's an indication of a potential threat.

If this has rung up your curiosity bells, then keep on reading to know why high creatinine is a call of concern? What are the symptoms of high creatinine? And what are the problems associated with high creatinine?

This blog sets out revealing some facts and information about high creatinine that are of grave importance. Before moving further on this topic, let's pull some strings out of the term "Creatinine" if you haven't heard it before.

What is creatinine?

Creatinine is a chemical waste produced inside our blood during wearing or tearing of muscles or when you're on high protein intake. Everyone has creatinine in their blood that gets filtered by kidneys via urine. Creatinine level varies from body to body, as an individual with more muscles will have more creatinine than a person having less muscle mass.

Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Creatinine

What is a high creatinine level?

A high creatinine level is more of an indication of a lurking threat than a disease. If your lab report shows a high creatinine level, then it indicates your kidneys aren't working properly as they should. The level of creatinine level varies on the amount of protein you're taking in your everyday meals. People with high-creatinine are often prescribed to cut back from proteins.

In brief…

Your fist-sized kidneys play a crucial role in purifying blood from waste products, chemical intoxicants, pollutants, and other contaminants that build up inside your blood from time to time. When your kidney stops working, the level of creatinine with other waste products increases in the blood. These waste products are needed to be expelled from the body as if kept inside for a longer period can lead to some chronic health conditions like heart disease, brain tumor, and stroke. The usual range of creatinine levels for healthy kidneys is to be around 0.84 to 1.21 milligrams per deciliter; beyond that range shows your kidneys might have lost their functioning, and you need prompt medication to reverse the functioning.

What are the symptoms of high creatinine?

High creatinine indicates a potential kidney ailment, which shows your kidneys might get damaged, and now they aren't working properly as they should. High creatinine doesn't show up any apparent signs or symptoms at the beginning; however, you may experience some symptoms when it gets severe with time. Some of the common symptoms are-

  • Nausea and feeling of throwing up
  • Chest pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Fatigue
  • High blood pressure
  • Itchiness
  • Swelling in legs, ankles, and feet due to fluid retention

If you experience more than one of the following symptoms, then you need to undergo prompt medication to prevent the threat in time.

What are the causes of high creatinine?

Several factors cause high creatinine inside the blood ranging from medical to circumstantial. Here we've listed some conditions that are held responsible for developing high creatinine level, which include the following-

  • Ingestion of various supplements, medications, and food that stimulated the levels of creatinine in the blood.
  • Doing a strenuous exercise or heavyweight workout.
  • Kidney dysfunction and infections
  • Dehydration
  • Kidney stones that obstruct urine to pass out from the body
  • Excessive consumption of protein stored foods
  • Autoimmune disorder
  • Urinary tract infections
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Gout
  • excessive blood loss during a traumatic accident

Why is a creatinine blood test important?

Your lab reports will help your doctor to determine your kidneys' health and provide the right treatment. Creatinine blood tests scrutinize the level of creatinine in the blood so that the budding threat can be cured in time.

What are the risk factors?

  • Alcohol abuse
  • If you drink less water
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney infection

Natural remedies for lowering high creatinine level

Ayurveda consists of many ayurvedic remedies that can anchor down your creatinine level. According to Ayurveda, you can turn down your creatinine level just by adhering to some simple home-based remedies that are easy, effective, and come in a shoestring budget, which includes the following-

Hydrate your body

Studies show that people who drink more water are likely to be at lower risk of having high creatinine levels. Drinking around six to seven glasses of water in a day can improve your kidneys' functioning and help your body get rid of unwanted substances and bacteria that can impair your kidneys' functioning.

Don't take oral supplements

Oral supplements like protein shakes or pills are a big no for some who are on a mission to cut down high creatinine levels. If your name is one on that list, then it's advised you to cut back from protein shakes, as creatinine is a byproduct of protein that later breaks down into creatinine.

Avoid high-intensity exercise

Exercise is usually a good thing to do, but during high creatinine, it can backfire you. Creatinine is produced during high-intensity or weight training. If your creatinine is high so it's better to be off-track for a while.

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