What is the Best Medicine to Reduce Creatinine?

Creatinine is a natural waste product that is produced by your liver during muscle metabolism or muscle movement. It is an unwanted product that is transported to your bloodstream, and furthermore, it reaches the kidneys. Kidneys filter out this waste from the blood to keep your kidneys clean.

However, having a nominal amount of creatinine in your blood is normal as it doesn't cause any harm. This waste product is directly proportional to muscles, more the muscle in an individual, the higher his creatinine level will be. However, your daily routine especially eating habits and physical activities, may raise your creatinine level. Dehydration, intake of certain medicines, consumption of a protein-rich diet, and strenuous workout may also increase your creatinine level. 

These factors cause a temporary rise in your creatinine level, but once the cause is avoided or fixed, the creatinine level drops down to the normal range, so no treatment is needed. While impaired kidney function can also cause increased creatinine range, one should choose the best cure to reduce creatinine effectively in this condition. Ayurvedic treatment to reduce creatinine levels effectively.

What symptoms may indicate high creatinine levels?

In the case of high creatinine levels, one may experience many health issues. Those are fatigue, headache, low fever, swelling around feet, face, or around eyes, itchy skin, breath shortness, confusion, etc.

Physicians don't start treatment as per assumptions; therefore, they suggest patients take some tests to determine the actual factor responsible for these health problems.

How can a high creatinine level be determined?

Your doctor suggests some medical tests if you have a high creatinine level; Serum Creatinine test, Albumin to Creatine, and Creatinine Clearance test.

Serum creatinine test helps determine the level of creatinine and also albumin present in your bloodstream.

Creatinine Clearance consists of the urine analysis to detect how much creatinine, kidneys are clearing out from your blood.

By analyzing these tests' reports, your doctor can confirm the causes of your high creatinine and thus suggests the best cure accordingly.

How to reduce the creatinine level effectively?

For reducing creatinine treatment, it’s necessary to eradicate its underlying causative factor. In order to reduce high creatinine, Allopathy takes the help of some medicines and sometimes dialysis to remove this waste from the blood. This conventional treatment can help reduce creatinine but can’t ensure a permanent relief. Since this treatment chemical or drug containing medicines, this treatment can leave many dreadful complications if taken for long. As a result, Allopathy is a risky treatment that doesn’t reduce and normalize your blood creatinine level effectively. One should not choose Allopathy in case of high creatinine. If Allopathy doesn’t have an effective way to reduce creatinine, it doesn’t mean there is no cure for this problem. Ayurvedic medicine can reduce creatinine levels effectively and helps a patient gain his normal creatinine level for longer.

Ayurveda is an ancient healing program that follows a specific methodology in which it works on the underlying and core cause of the problem, thus provides a permanent cure. This natural treatment doesn’t use any specific medicine for reducing creatinine as it uses herbal medicines to work on its underlying causes. Ayurveda offers a customized treatment as per the cause of the disease and his body type. As a result, Ayurveda uses some unrefined herbal formulations, and some ancient therapies, etc. Additionally, this treatment also suggests making some necessary diet and other lifestyle changes that help in fast recovery. In a nutshell, Ayurvedic medicine work wonders in reducing creatinine level and offers a lasting cure.

Contact an expert Ayurvedic kidney doctor and get rid of all complications associated with high creatinine levels.

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