How do I Cleanse My Kidneys Naturally?

Cleansing is a must! Not only has the outer body needed it the most but also the inner body. We all must be familiar with the cleanup in the context of facial for sure, but only a few would know the need for cleansing the kidneys. Have you ever wondered why cleansing is necessary or ways to keep the kidneys clear? If not, this article belongs to you. As per the Ayurvedic ethics, the need for kidney detoxification is inevitable. It is as essential as to dust off the toxins from the body for a healthy living.

If not, then it might lead to some severe damages in the way kidney functions. The constant changes in our diet, lifestyle, and consumption of drugs and narcotics affect the body in a non-expecting way. Cleaning a kidney doesn’t mean you have to buy certain exclusive products or get done with the surgical process. Following are the methods by which you can clean your kidneys by literally doing nothing of the way:

  • Lemon juice: Lemon is a common ingredient while cleaning the kidneys and outer body. It is rich in vitamin C that boosts the functioning, regulates the blood circulation, and reduces the number of wastes and toxins present in the kidneys. Drinking lemon-olive syrup (a potion blended with a few drops of lemon and a tablespoon of olive oil)
  • Watermelon: Watermelon is a diuretic fruit that is widely available in summer. It is rich in lycopene ensures the healthy well being and functioning of kidneys. It is also a great source of potassium that helps in the elimination of acidity and prevents the formation of renal stones.
  • Basil: A holy herb in India and a must-have ingredient in Italy. It is a naturally driven diuretic plant that helps in aiding the problem of kidney stones and diabetes. It also helps in the removal of uric acid and boosts the functioning of kidneys.
  • Dandelion: It is one such plant that helps in cleansing the kidneys and reduces the levels of wastes present in the blood. It is rich in antioxidant properties that increase the functioning capacity of kidneys. It is also known as the kidney tonic.
  • Apple cider vinegar: It is a natural remedy to clean kidneys without consuming chemicals and other synthetically made pills and tablets. It is an excellent source of citric acid that reduces the risk of kidney stone formation.

Other things that help in the detoxification of kidneys are sensible eating and living. It may come to you as a surprise, but exercises, yoga, and diet plans also help in cleaning the kidneys naturally:

Kidney detoxification with the help of physical exercises:

  • Neck rotations: Rotate your neck clockwise five times and anti-clockwise for another five times.
  • Shoulder rotations: Rotate your shoulders clockwise five times and anti-clockwise for another five times.
  • Full arm rotations: Rotate your arms clockwise five times and anti-clockwise for another five times.
  • Wrist rotation: Rotate your wrist clockwise five times and anti-clockwise for another five times.
  • Waist rotation: Rotate your waist clockwise five times and anti-clockwise for another five times.
  • Ankle rotation: Rotate your ankles clockwise five times and anti-clockwise for another five times.

These exercises are the proven cure and methods of kidney detoxification that helps in sustaining a healthy body for an extended time.

Yoga for cleaning the kidneys:

Yet another Ayurvedic practice helps in healing the damage and kidney cleansing process by stimulating the internal organs and reviving the functioning naturally. These yoga asanas are:

  • Tadasana
  • Padmasana
  • Urdhva Mukha Savasana
  • Savasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Buddha Konasana

You might have to seek the guidance of a Yoga charya to practice all these yoga asanas. There is no doubt that it can heal the damage, but yes, a person practicing these asanas should have his nephrologist in confidence.

A diet plan to cleanse kidneys:

It is the most comfortable way to clean the kidneys. The following is a renal diet plan that any person can adopt for the process of kidney cleansing:


  What to eat:

  Early morning (Between 7:00 AM and 8:00)

Detox water (2 tbsp fenugreek seeds water+1 tablespoon lime juice+1 cup water)

  Breakfast (Between 8:15 AM and 9:15 AM)

  Detox smoothie (1/2 Avocado+1 tbsp chia seeds+ 1tbsp organic honey+5-6 strawberries)

  Mid-Morning (Between 10:30 AM and 11:00 AM)

  Detox snacks ( 1 Apple + 4 almonds (soaked overnight)

Lunch (Between 12:30 PM and 1:00 PM)

Detox meal (Brown rice + sautéed mushrooms, green vegetables, carrots, garlic, onion and olive oil)

Post lunch snack (Between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM)

  Detox Snack (Coconut water or a cucumber)

Dinner (Between 6:45 PM and 7:00 PM)

  1 Cup mushroom clear soup with veggies


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