Is Vitamin B12 Safe for Kidneys?

What are vitamins?

Vitamins and minerals are the substances that your body needs to help and carry out some essential functions to help your body and provide energy for performing several functions of the body. They have the responsibility to repair the damage the tissues and help you in maintaining life.

Basically, the vitamin and minerals use nutrients from the food you consume to perform the above-mentioned functions, which is necessary for living a healthy life. Therefore, vitamins are essential for your body. But when you have kidney disease, you may have to choose the appropriate therapy for the kidneys. But when you have kidney disease, you may need to get special attention to your diet.

Why do I need different amounts of vitamins during the kidney ailment?

During any kidney problem, you may need to give special attention to your diet and intake of vitamins and minerals. Some of the reasons are:

The waste products accumulate in your body changes the way your body utilizes vitamins and minerals.
  • Some of the herbal medicines you consume have already involved some certain vitamins and minerals.
  • During kidney disease, your body needs some vitamins and if you already have undergone dialysis then also your body leaks some essential vitamins during the procedure.
  • During the treatment of this health condition, you may need to follow a special diet for kidney disease that may exclude certain vitamins and minerals from foods.
  • Even during kidney disorder, you may feel unhealthy sometimes and you may miss your diet.

How many vitamins are required by the body?

According to the leading health care provider, the human body needs at least 13 vitamins to perform routine functions. Following a well-balanced diet is preferable to getting the recommended amount of these vitamins, but during the kidney abnormality, the vitamins should be consumed in a limited amount. 

Individuals who are facing this health condition must need to complete the requirements of the vitamins for the body. It is always preferred that kidney patients need to consume water-soluble vitamins, or you can say that special renal vitamin that is usually prescribed as water-soluble vitamins. Renal vitamins include vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and a small dose of vitamin C.

What is the role of vitamin B 12?

Vitamin B12 has a lot for your body. It helps your body in the production of your DNA and the red blood cells. As your body doesn’t produce vitamin B 12, and most of the individuals try to get it from animal-based foods or supplements. But one should avoid these vitamin supplements and animal-based vitamin because these supplements can prove unsafe for your body and kidneys as well.

If you are having any kind of kidney abnormality, then you should reach or contact any kidney expert, and it will prove more worthwhile when you discuss your problems with any Ayurvedacharya. Ayurveda involves the use of natural herbs and some dietary changes. These are adopted by most of the countries as they are side-effect free and hazards free. That's we are insisting you choose Ayurveda for the treatment of this health condition.

For more information, you should contact Karma Ayurveda. They are doing this for the last 8 decades. If you want to get specific kidney treatment in Ayurveda.

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