Is Diabetes Harmful to Human Kidneys?

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is the condition of the body when they are unable to make enough insulin or cannot use insulin as they used to do. Insulin is a hormone that releases from the pancreases, and it is responsible for the metabolic process of the blood glucose. That means it controls the amount of sugar is in the blood. The high blood sugar level in the body can cause several sinister problems for the body. It may have some effect on your heart, kidneys, eyes, and brain. Over time, this can lead to kidney failure.

There are two main types of diabetes.
  • Type 1 diabetes – Generally, it begins at an early age. In this case, the body is not able to make enough insulin.
  • Type 2 diabetes – It usually found in adults over 40, but nowadays, it is more common in younger people. In this health condition, your body makes insulin, but can’t use it well.
In most cases, it is associated with overweight and tends to run in families. But when it is not managed in the early stages, it can lead to kidney disorder.

What is chronic kidney disease (CKD)?

Your kidneys are responsible for performing several crucial functions for your body to balance the mind, body, and soul. Some of the crucial role performed by the kidneys are:
  • Remove toxins from the body
  • Balance the essential body’s fluids
  • Maintain the blood pressure level
  • Keep bones healthy
  • Produce red blood cells
When you have chronic kidney disease, it means that the kidneys have been damaged to the extent that it may affect the whole functioning of the body. Severe disorders like diabetes damage the filters of the kidneys, and once the damage is done, they are not able to filter the blood as they used to do.

How does diabetes cause damage to my kidneys?

Diabetes can harm kidneys by damaging:
  • Blood vessels – The filtering units of the kidneys are filled with the tiny blood vessels and high blood sugar levels can damage them in such a way that leads to the leakage of the protein in the urine.
  • Nerves in the body – Diabetes is also caused due to the damage done to the nerves in the body. If the nerves of the bladder are damaged, you may not able to fell that your bladder is full and can damage the kidneys.
  • Urinary tract – If the urine stays in the bladder for a longer time, then you may get some severe urinary tract infection. It is because of the bad bacteria in the kidneys. They grow in the urine with a high blood sugar level.
If you are a kidney patient with diabetes, then you may need to get a specific treatment like Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment.

Ayurvedic medicines and herbal therapies can manage the blood sugar level with the help of natural herbs. If you need more information regarding kidney disease and its treatment, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda. They are well-known for eliminating the roots of the disorder that can prevent the re-occurrence of the disorder.

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