What can damage the kidneys?

Kidney disease can affect the body’s ability to clean the blood and filter the extra water from the blood, filter extra fluid out from the blood, and keep the blood pressure in control. Your kidneys are capable enough in the production of red blood cells and vitamin D metabolism for bone health.

When the kidneys are damaged, waste products, and fluid accumulate on the body. It can cause swelling in the ankles, nausea, weakness, poor sleep, and shortness of the breath. Without specific treatment, the damage can get worse, and your kidneys may eventually stop working after some time. It is a severe condition and it can prove life-threatening for you.

Conditions that can damage the kidneys

It’s never too late to learn damaging behaviour. We are going to tell you about some common habits that you might not realize are putting the pressure on the kidneys.
  • Overuse of Painkillers – Over the counter pain killer medicines such as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can prove dangerous for the kidneys, especially when you have kidney disease.
  • Over usage of sodium –, Diet high in sodium can increase your blood pressure and in turn, they harm the kidneys. You can add other seasonings in your food for the flavour. Over time, you may find easier to avoid sodium or table salt in your diet.
  • Processed Food consumption – Processed foods are rich in sodium and phosphorus and several people who have kidney disease need to limit the phosphorus in the diet. Consumption of phosphorus in your diet during kidney disease may be harmful to the kidneys and bones as well. You should opt for the DASH diet to guide your healthy eating habits.
  • Not Drinking Enough Water – Staying hydrated helps your kidneys and cleanse toxins from the body. Drinking plenty of water is also one of the best ways to avoid painful kidney stones.
  • Eating Too Much Meat – Animal protein generates a high amount of acid in the blood that can prove harmful for the kidneys and can cause acidosis. It is the condition in which kidneys cannot eliminate acid fast enough. Yes, protein is required for the growth of all the body parts of the body but your diet should be balanced with the fruits and vegetables.
  • Consuming food items high in Sugar – It contributes to obesity and can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes. These two are the leading causes of developing kidney disease. You should pay attention to the labels for ingredients when buying packaged goods to avoid added sugar in the diet.
  • Smoking – Everyone knows that smoking is not good for the lungs or heart. But you should be aware that smoking can have some severe impact on your kidneys as well. People who smoke are more likely to have protein in the urine, which is the sign of kidney disease.
  • Not being active – Inactiveness for a long time is linked to the progression and development of the disorder. Although researchers are still finding the link between inactiveness and kidney disease, but one thing is clear that inactiveness can lead to the sudden hike in blood pressure and blood glucose level. As these factors are responsible for the kidney disease.
  • Other severe disorders are also responsible for kidney damage.
Ayurveda is the only way to cope up with kidney disease without any side-effect. If you want to manage the damage to the kidneys, then choose Ayurvedic kidney failure treatment that you may help you in managing this health condition naturally.

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