All About Ayurvedic Kidney Disease Treatment

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an ancient methodology that has treatments for all stages of chronic kidney disease. The basic principle of Ayurveda is to cure the disease or any other ailment by treating the imbalance in the life energies of the body which are called doshas in Sanskrit.

Each person has a unique set of Prakriti, domestic properties, and causative factors all of which are considered before the patient is addressed with medicines. The level of customization makes it possible for the patients to recover fully without any dependency on the allopathic procedures.

Rejuvenation of the kidney function at the cellular level

Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment also proffers personalized lifestyle and dietary suggestions to deliver a wholesome rejuvenation of the body. Depending upon the condition of the patient, different therapies are applied to remove the toxins out of the body. Ayurveda has various therapies that work on rejuvenating renal cells or tissues, and these may include medicines, Panchakarma, Diet, Acupressure, Acupuncture, and many others.

Promotes overall well being

The aim of ayurvedic treatment is to give birth to overall well being and not just on one aspect of the health. Even if you have a problem in the renal, the ayurvedic medicines will uncover the causes which raise the risk of chronic kidney disease. For instance, if you had kidney damage because of high blood pressure or diabetes, then this type of treatment will also focus on regulating the risk factors as well. Upon consuming ayurvedic medicines, patients also notice their blood sugar level and pressure level being in control afterward.

Reduces the need for dialysis and transplant

Dialysis and transplant are the two surgical approaches to curing kidney disease. However, they do not guarantee the permanent recovery of the patient and merely the treatment to increase longevity. No patient has been found to survive more than 5 to 10 years after taking any of these treatments. Furthermore, dialysis is a lifetime procedure.

Thus, there was a need to develop a treatment that can help improve kidney function while curing the patient permanently. The ancient Ayurveda scholars have time and tested this ayurvedic chronic kidney disease treatment and believe it to be a permanent cure for various renal disorders including the ones a patient inherit from his family members. Taking ayurvedic medicines regularly will gradually eliminate the need to take dialysis or transplant.

Introduction to chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease is defined as the gradual loss of kidney function over the years. Unmanageable or untreated CKD can progress to end-stage renal disease which means the kidneys are no longer functional. At this time, the waste which is ought to be eliminated by the kidneys stays in the bloodstream causing a risk of heart-related complications.

Chronic kidney disease is hard to be recognized in the early stages and most cases of renal disease come to diagnose only in the later stages when symptoms start to appear. But by that time, it already has turned fatal and people have to choose dialysis.

The herbs that are used in ayurvedic kidney disease treatment include:

  • Guggulu: This herb is used in medicine to treat kidney and related disorders of the urinary tract. The anti-stress and adaptogenic quality of this herb can help treat CKD. It also regulates blood pressure level which is the main cause of renal failure.
  • Punarnava: It is a type of diuretic herb that helps in blood purification by producing red blood cells. During CKD, anemia occurs in most of the patients so this herb can cure that too. Moreover, it also helps to remove the toxins from the blood.
  • Shirish: Shirish has anti-inflammatory properties that help to soothe the inflammation in the kidneys. This herb helps to balance the tridosha in the body the imbalance of which can cause various renal disorders.
  • Kaasni: A rich source of iron, this herb is useful in the production of red blood cells in the body. It helps cure various heart and kidney-related disorders. It is a good source of dietary fiber and thus promotes the appetite level during CKD. It is used in ayurvedic kidney disease treatment as a diuretic that helps in removing toxins from the kidney and keeping them in a good health.

Dietary changes in the different stages of CKD

The changes in diet according to the stages help in the treatment and the recovery process.
  • Stage 1: At this stage, minimal changes are required. If a person gets to know about the disease, he should consume a limited amount of sodium, sugar, and protein. Also, work on reducing the cholesterol level, and try to bring down blood pressure and sugar level.
  • Stage 2: People in stage 2 should follow a similar diet as in stage 2. Even at this stage, damage can be recovered with a diet and ayurvedic kidney disease treatment. Focus on detoxification and do not consume alcohol or quit smoking.
  • Stage 3: Eat only anima sources of protein as they are hard to digest by the kidneys. Consume less sodium, mainly salt, also potassium, phosphorus should be restricted.
  • Stage 4: At this stage, protein should particularly be avoided along with a reasonable distance from sodium, grains, carbs, fat, potassium, phosphorus, and heart unhealthy foods.
  • Stage 5: The diet should strictly be managed by a dietician and your ayurvedic specialist.
  • Any dietary changes should strictly be managed by taking advice from a dietician only. For more information, you can also visit Karma Ayurveda.

Any dietary changes should strictly be managed by taking advice from a dietician only. For more information, you can also visit Karma Ayurveda.

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