What is serum creatinine and how to control with an Ayurvedic cure?

Pick an ancient medical book and you can have all the answers. But wait, where will you go to find it? Will you go to Ayurvedic practitioners or an Ayurvedacharya? What if we tell you that you can get all the answers related to the Ayurvedic cure right here? We are not the boomers but the millennials and we do the smart work, right? So, what was your question again? ‘What is serum creatinine and how to control with Ayurvedic cure?’ Serum creatinine or creatinine is a chemical waste that comes from the metabolic activities practiced by the human body. It is a breakdown product of protein-type creatine that provides energy to perform all the work done by muscles and bones. The wastes produced by muscles are released through the urine after kidneys filter them all. Serum creatinine is a waste similar to the urea and nitrogen that can reveal the functioning of kidneys.

What is Serum Creatinine?

Let us discuss a bit about these wastes, imagine your surroundings filled with garbage? What would you do? You would remove that right, if not then you can get caught by various diseases. Similarly, if the waste produced in the body remains inside and doesn’t get removed, it will open the gates for several diseases. Kidneys are responsible for filtering these wastes but inadequate manducating and false lifestyle can obstruct the functioning. Elevated levels of creatinine are the signs that your body has retained waste and the kidneys are diseased. However, Ayurvedic cure can eliminate this problem and can help in leading a healthy life throughout.

What is the Serum-Creatinine test?

The identification of elevating wastes can be done by performing a kidney function test ‘Serum-Creatinine test’ This test reveals the functioning capability of kidneys left. It is a common blood test that one of the healthcare providers can conduct. It is one of the primary tests that the nephrologists ask. The frequency of this test also depends on the underlying causes and supporting medical conditions. You will need this test especially when you are at the risks of:

  •          If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, your doctor may recommend a creatinine test at least once a year.
  •          If you have kidney disease, your doctor may recommend creatinine tests at regular intervals to monitor your condition.
  •          If you have an illness that may affect your kidneys — such as high blood pressure or diabetes — or you're taking medication that may affect your kidneys, your doctor may recommend creatinine tests.

There is nothing that much of expectation you should put into this test. Your healthcare provider will ask for your blood sample and more accurate results, he will ask you for a urine sample. Both these, blood analysis and urinalysis show the amount of creatinine being released from the body. Results of the creatinine blood test are measured in milligrams per deciliter or micromoles per liter. The normal range for creatinine in the blood maybe 0.84 to 1.21 milligrams per deciliter (74.3 to 107 micromoles per liter), although this can vary from lab to lab, between men and women, and by age. Since the amount of creatinine in the blood increases with muscle mass, men usually have higher creatinine levels than do women.

What is the Ayurvedic cure for unstable serum creatinine?

Ayurvedic cure or the Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine is a treatment based on inducing the herbal or natural products only. It is completely different from the artificial cure that includes painful procedures like dialysis and organ transplant. Ayurvedic cure for serum creatinine is a cure that incorporates the easiest methods like home remedies. Following are the 8 home remedies to reduce serum creatinine in the body:
  • Stop practicing vigorous exercises instead, practice yoga asana for beginners.
  • Avoid supplements containing creatine.
  • Reduce your protein intake, include only foods that are low in proteins.
  • Eat more high fiber foods, it will not only reduce serum creatinine but will also boost digestion. 
  • Keep your body hydrated to help your kidneys perform better.

Ayurveda is the elixir of all the diseases, it is not what we say but the ancient books. The ethics being used in Ayurvedic cure were initiated by Maharishi Sushruta and later it was Shri Swami Vivekanada who enlightened the world with the superpowers of Ayurvedic cure. We feel pride in telling you that there is one more person who has been revolutionizing the medicament of kidney diseases with Ayurveda. In a world where the dependency on chemically made drugs has increased, there is someone who stands with the ideology of giving only Ayurvedic cure for serum creatinine and that person is Dr. Puneet Dhawan of Karma Ayurveda. He has been providing services for more than 8 years and has set an exemplary benchmark with successful case studies of 4500 kidney disease survivors. To know more about the services, find right after this click.

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