Precautions for kidney patients during COVID-19

Many people with kidney disease who are at the risk of coronavirus are wondering how they can keep themselves safe during this pandemic. Here are some grocery shopping and restaurant delivery tips while maintaining social distancing.

Grocery shopping

If you do not have any of your loved ones or friends nearby who can buy you grocery, there are some vendors or some chain and local grocery stores that are offering this home-in delivery service. The availability of the specially hours of the local market can help you during the times of lockdown. This will prevent your risk of going out in crowded areas.

Tips to go for grocery shopping

If you are going to the grocery shop for yourself, make sure you are not touching anything except the grocery. This virus called COVID-19 is believed to stay on any particular surface you touch.

  •          Stay at least 6 feet away from others inside the store. Do not touch your face after touching any surface
  •          Sanitize your hands as you leave the shop with an alcohol-based sanitizer
  •          Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 minutes as you reach your home
  •          You can also call at your local market to see if they are providing a delivery service at this time.

At this time of crisis, every essential store is offering the delivery service. For larger chains, every essential measure is taken to keep people safe during this emergency. You can shop online on their mobile app or website. However, make sure that you schedule the delivery in advance as everyone is currently using an online delivery service. 

You can also get delivery from third-party like Amazon, Flipkart, and others, but they charge you a little bit amount for the same. Do not get panic as there may be short supply and it may take a longer time than usual.

Plan to utilize every resource in your home and do not waste any food item. A kidney patient needs to be aware of the foods they can consume because anything healthy at this time may put them at the risk of developing ESRD. Further, if you are taking chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda, plan your medicinal needs in advance. Since everything is lockdown for a while; you can only visit your doctor in case of an emergency.

For shopping online, you can also mention there that you are at the risk of the coronavirus and should not come in contact with the delivery person or the driver. Pick the grocery only after disinfecting it with Dettol. You can also disinfect items at your home if you don’t have disinfectant wipes.

If you are on dialysis

It is important to keep up with your dialysis session, even during an emergency because a kidney patient cannot survive without dialysis or chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda. Missing your medications and dialysis will cause harmful toxins to build up in the blood, thereby further posing a threat to the kidneys.

Even missing a single appointment for dialysis can cause serious health complications and may further pose you at the risk of COVID-19.

Restaurant delivery

If you are ordering from a restaurant, make sure you choose options such as UberEats and other reliable platforms. If you have any questions about the food or ingredients, ask them about the things they have used in the making before you place an order.

Once you receive your food delivery, eat it right away in your own utensils and through away the disposable. It is believed that Coronavirus can live on cardboard or disposable for up to 24 hours, so do not eat directly in the containers in which the delivery has arrived.

Also, wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds after you receive the delivery.
Karma Ayurveda is an ayurvedic kidney care institution that has been helping kidney patients with chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda and information related to the kidneys.

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