Which treatment to choose for Nephrotic Syndrome with no side effects?

Nephrotic Syndrome happens when kidneys release too much protein in the urine. Kidney damage is mainly the reason behind, and many health complications accompany protein loss in urine. Doctors’ do not call it a complete disease, and the state of damage in blood vessels in kidneys causing some certain complications are named nephrotic syndrome. The kidney disorder requires immediate diagnosis and the right treatment to cure it. When left untreated, it may worsen and lead to kidney failure, a life-threatening condition.You will get Nephrotic Syndrome treatment side effects when you choose the Allopathic way of treatment. However, choosing Ayurvedic nephrotic syndrome can provide you with permanent relief without leaving any side effects.


Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome is mainly characterized by a group of symptoms or complications that include;

  • a high amount of protein present in the urine
  • high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood
  • low protein levels in the blood
  • swollen body parts, mainly ankles, feet or legs
  • Aside from, people suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome may also notice
  • Foamy urine
  • Weight gain due to fluid buildup in your body
  • Fatigue or extreme tiredness
  • Appetite loss

What can cause you to develop Nephrotic Syndrome?

Kidneys have tiny blood vessels called Glomeruli. When your blood moves through the vessels, your kidneys remove extra fluid and waste products from the blood with the urine. At the same time, they retain the necessary substances like protein and some more. Nephrotic Syndrome occurs when any factor or underlying medical condition causes damage to the glomeruli, and kidneys’ functionality is affected significantly. Commonly, the damage to the blood vessels causes a high amount of protein to leak into your urine. The protein leaking in Nephrotic Syndrome is Albumin which is one of the essential proteins in your body. This protein helps pull abnormal fluid from your body into the kidneys. Further, the fluid is removed in your urine. Without albumin, your body will hold on to excessive fluid, which can cause swelling in your legs, feet, ankles or face.

Primary causes of Nephrotic Syndrome

The conditions or factors that affect the kidneys only and do not harm any other organ or part of the body are called the primary causes of Nephrotic Syndrome. Such conditions include;

  • Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)- It is the condition where glomeruli get scarred from any disease, genetic defect, or an unknown cause.
  • Membranous Nephropathy- In this disease, the glomeruli membranes get thick. But the cause behind thickening is unknown, and the disease can accompany lupus, hepatitis B, Malaria or Cancer.
  • Minimal Change disease- When the kidney tissue is examined, it looks normal or sometimes damaged minorly but affects kidney functionality.
  • Renal Vein thrombosis: In this disease, a blood clot blocks a vein that drains blood out of the kidney.

Secondary causes of Nephrotic Syndrome

Diseases of factors that affect your whole body system along with glomeruli are known as the Secondary causes of Nephrotic Syndrome;

Diabetes - The uncontrolled blood sugar level can damage blood vessels in your body, including kidneys.

Lupus - It is an autoimmune disease-causing inflammation in the joints, kidneys and other body sections or organs.

Amyloidosis - It’s a rare disease of the buildup of the protein amyloid in your organs. This protein can accumulate in your kidneys resulting in kidney damage.

Medications such as infection-fighting drugs and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are also responsible for damaging glomeruli.

Nephrotic Syndrome Diet

Diet plays a vital role in managing the condition of Nephrotic Syndrome or any other kidney disease. Making some changes in lifestyle can help control underlying complications and thus slow down the worsening of kidney damage.

Firstly, Nephrotic Syndrome patients should try to limit the amount of salt in their diet to prevent swelling and control blood pressure. One should also limit their fluid to reduce swelling in your body.

Your cholesterol and triglyceride levels may also get high; try to follow a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol. It can also help to reduce the risk of developing heart problems. Though patients lose high protein in the urine, they shouldn’t take extra protein to worsen their condition.

Read More Article :-  Is Nephrotic Syndrome The same as chronic kidney disease?

Nephrotic Syndrome treatment

Herbal medications help restore kidney health and make them healthy naturally. As a result, they start functioning again, and all complications get disappeared naturally. Thus, you can get relieved from Nephrotic Syndrome complications, and there are no side- effects on this treatment.

Choose Nephrotic Syndrome Ayurvedic treatment to provide permanent relief.

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