At What Creatinine Level Should Dialysis Start?

The average creatinine levels in the blood should range between 0.84 to 1.21 mg/DL; if your lab report shows creatinine level more than the given number, you need to first consult the doctor before lading on dialysis. Because having a high creatinine level necessarily doesn't mean that there's something wrong with your kidneys.


Apart from kidney failure, other various environmental factors can contribute to give a spike to your creatinine levels, such as-

  • Strenuous workouts
  • Excessive consumption of protein supplements
  • Intake of animal-sourced protein
  • certain medications
  • Severe dehydration

If you're reading this, then please hold it till the end because here, we've shared some important pieces of information that can keep you away from the radar of kidney failure.

Ayurvedic treatment reverse high creatinine

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Let's start with the term creatinine and the symptoms that come along with it.

What is creatinine?

Creatinine is a chemical waste that is produced during muscle breakdown. You are powering for another heavy set at the gym or have broken your record in biking uphill. Working out feels great, right? But, a lot is going on at that time while you are burning out some calories. During the process, your body produces waste products that are known as creatinine.

Everyone has creatinine in their blood that gets filtered out by their kidneys through urine. But the level of creatinine can vary from person to person depending on-

  • The diet
  • Kidney functioning
  • Physical activities
  • Age
  • Gender

What are the symptoms of high creatinine?

High creatinine level is primarily linked with kidney dysfunction that takes time to show up with visible signs. Also, the symptoms of high creatinine depend on what causes it. If it's kidney failure, then you may experience some visible signs, such as-

  • Nausea
  • Muscle cramps
  • Fatigue
  • High blood pressure
  • Itchiness
  • Swollen legs, ankles, and feet due to excessive fluid retention
  • Vomiting
  • Feeling pressure or pain in the chest

Is a high creatinine level dangerous?

Yes, uncontrolled creatinine levels, that is more than 1.21 mg/dl, can be dangerous. High creatinine levels won't cause any damage to the body, but it's a strong indication of a potential threat heading towards your kidneys. Most people with high creatinine levels are diagnosed with chronic kidney failure. Chronic kidney failure is a condition in which your kidneys gradually lose their functioning, leading to a permanent or temporary loss of kidney function.

Your fist-sized kidneys share mighty importance in keeping you alive and functioning. Your kidneys purify around 200 litres of blood from toxins and waste products that can trigger some serious health problems if they remain inside for a longer period. Blood is the essential life-giving fluid that your body uses for various bodily processes, but your blood needs to get filtered by your kidneys to make it reusable by your kidneys.

Blood moves freely around your body to transfer essential nutrients and oxygen, but it's nothing without your kidneys. A person with compromised kidney functions needs to undergo dialysis to live.

Ayurvedic treatment reverse high creatinine

Having high creatinine levels means that your kidneys are not functioning properly. Kidney failure can be a result of various environmental and biological stresses.

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Various kidney complications primarily start with high creatinine problems; some of them can be cured by making temporary dietary modifications. Also, some kidney complications require intense medication and a strict diet to reverse kidney functions.

Hence, it's important to keep in touch with your kidneys health by getting your blood and urine sample tested every year. Doing this will help you to prevent the budding threat in time, if there's any.

Is there any permanent cure for this problem?

Yes, several medicines are available that slow down the severity of the complications caused due to high creatinine levels. Still, such medicines are lab-prepared with the formulations of various harmful chemicals that can affect your health. Also, the effect of such medicines fuels out very soon, without curing the actual cause of the problem. For the genuine revival of kidney function, try Ayurvedic treatment for high creatinine.

How can Ayurvedic treatment reverse high creatinine?

Ayurveda uses a treasury of natural remedies and herbs that are proven effective in giving anchor to the high creatinine levels. The treatment uses a precise combination of herbs and a good diet that can effectively cure any type of damage, swelling, obstruction, or inflammation occurring inside the kidneys.

How do Ayurvedic medicines cure kidney complications?

Chronic kidney disease is a cumulative loss of kidney function that progresses with time. How soon will you get recover depending on various factors, such as-

  • How long you're having this problem?
  • What does your diet include?
  • How much percentage of kidney function you have left with?
  • Do you have a family history of kidney failure?

Suppose medicines are right and you're adamantly following the diet plan prescribed by your Ayurvedic practitioner. In that case, you can expect the effect of medicines within six months or in a year.

Are there any side effects of Ayurvedic medicines?

No, Ayurvedic herbs don't leave any physiological and mental abnormalities on the body because the process of Ayurvedic treatment only uses the precise combination of natural herbs. It means that Ayurvedic treatment doesn't use any foreign substance, such as drugs, medicines, or steroids, which may leave serious health problems in your body.

Read More Article :- Is Ayurvedic Treatment Best For Creatinine Problems? 

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