Have you tried Ayurvedic Medicine for kidney cleansing yet?

The unprecedented growth in the human population has opened a portal of various serious health complications, where corona virus is just the beginning. Researchers have concluded that there are more than 10,000 diseases globally, though new species of the human virus are still yet to be discovered. Allopathy doesn't have a solution to every ailment. 

For example - In the corona virus pandemic, when every medication was ineffective against the virus and failed in series, Ayurveda came to the rescue.


Believe it or not, but Ayurvedic treatment is proven effective in curing any health complications ranging from mild to severe ones. Ayurvedic treatment is based on the formulation of several powerful herbs that are proven effective in curing chronic health complications, like- kidney failure that progresses with time and charges on your body suddenly.

Your kidneys are sensitive to various environments and biological changes that can hinder kidney function, leading to permanent kidney failure.

Also Read - Best Ayurvedic Hospital For Kidney Treatment in India

Let's take a closer look at how kidney function affects your body, what their symptoms are, and how you can purge it with Ayurvedic treatment.

What is chronic kidney failure?

Kidney failure is a serious health condition in which your kidneys partially or completely lose their functioning, depending on the severity of the disease. Kidney failure is categorized into two different types- Acute kidney failure and chronic kidney failure.

Acute kidney failure - Acute kidney failure is the sudden and temporary loss of kidney function that might occur due to some other disease or condition that affects your kidneys' functioning. Acute kidney failure cannot be detected as it never shows any symptoms at the initial stages. It can only be detected during the emergency events, such as irregular heartbeat, paralysis, acidic blood, breathlessness, and vomiting. People who are hospitalized for some other reason are likely to have this problem. Acute kidney failure is not a serious condition, if detected early, can be reversed by making temporary dietary changes and normal medications.

Chronic kidney failure - Chronic kidney failure is a commonly reported health condition in India. Chronic kidney failure is a cumulative loss of kidney functions. The disease never shows any signs of dysfunction in its infancy and gradually progresses with time and causes permanent damage to the kidneys.

Various conditions can be held responsible for causing damage to the kidneys, such as-

  • Type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Over-consumption of alcohol
  • Excessive intake of processed or canned foods
  • Autoimmune disease, such as lupus
  • Smoking
  • Obstruction in the urinary tract, due t0- kidney stone, enlarged prostate, colon cancer

Understanding kidney failure- From the eye of Ayurvedic treatment

Ayurveda states that kidney failure can result from life forces (doshas) that control your various bodily processes, which are essential for your survival, such as - heartbeat, blood circulation, digestion, and metabolism, hormones linked to your appetite, urine excretion, and bowel movements.

Sometimes the increased intake of virudha ahaar ( unhealthy foods) and sedentary lifestyle habits, such as sleeping all day and engaging in most tasks while lying or sitting in one place, can welcome kidney problems.

Ayurveda says the emancipation from bad lifestyle habits is necessary because they can make you obese, and obesity is the known driver of various health problems.

Being overweight can make you vulnerable to having various chronic health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and uncontrolled cholesterol levels that may also affect your kidney functions. Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure works primarily to stabilize aggravated doshas that contribute to causing kidney complications.

How are Ayurvedic herbs effective on kidney problems?

Ayurvedic treatment is effective for all body types and people of all ages, as the formulation of medicines involves the administration of various herbs that cure kidney complications. Ayurvedic practitioners strictly condemned the administration of harmful chemicals (drugs) that can leave serious damage to your body. Ayurvedic treatments go beyond examining and curing the physiological aspects of disease and injuries and work in maintaining the connection between your mind, body, and soul that promotes disease-free life.

Ayurvedic medicines primarily improve your immune system that helps your body fight against various health problems that may affect your kidneys' functioning.

Why are Ayurvedic herbs considered better than harmful chemicals?

Ayurvedic herbs are considered far better than Allopathy medication because they are entirely natural and deliver better results than other drugs at five time’s lower prices. Ayurvedic medicines take time to show their effect, but the herbs give permanent relief from the problem.

Also Read - Why do kidney patients need a low protein diet

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

Kidney failure is a gradual loss of kidney functions that takes time to get severe. People who experienced kidney complications never felt any complications in the beginning; however, they have experienced some common physical abnormalities that were triggered due to kidney failure, such as-

  • Blood in urine
  • Having frequent urges to pass urine
  • Loss of appetite
  • Having pain or pressure on the chest
  • Weight loss without even trying anything
  • Foamy or bubbly urine
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Swollen ankles, legs, and feet due to excessive fluid retention
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Recurring pain in the lower back

This is important

Do not remark on these symptoms as your call for action; symptoms only appear at the end stage of kidney failure, stage 5. There is no medication available that can reverse your kidneys' functioning from stage 5 of kidney failure; a person has to undergo dialysis or kidney transplant to live. It's recommended to try Kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment for a permanent revival of your kidneys' functioning.

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