How to cure kidney shrinkage with ayurvedic medicine?

Kidney shrinkage or kidney atrophy is a severe renal disease. In this condition, one of the kidneys may shrink into smaller size and is not able to function properly. Many people misinterpret the problem of kidney shrinkage as renal hypoplasia, which is a congenital genetic disability. These fist-sized kidneys are located on each side of the lower spine, just under the rib cage. The left kidney is usually said to be larger in size than the right one. But, during kidney atrophy, one of your kidneys gets smaller in size or shrink abnormally and stops working normally as it should. This could be due to a low blood supply to the kidneys. Or other problems like kidney stones, enlarged prostate, or kidney infection can result in kidney atrophy.


Kidney shrinkage can be cured with safe and effective ayurvedic treatment if diagnosed in time. If left untreated, it can act as havoc to the health by inducing many chronic health problems that may directly lead to kidney failure.

It is essential for an individual to save the kidneys before it gets too late for treatment. And if you are reading this, there are chances for you to save your kidneys from many chronic renal disorders. Early signs of kidney shrinkage may go unnoticed, which make it difficult to save the kidney initially. But once you are aware of the symptoms and their early indicators, the kidneys can be treated with the best ayurvedic medicine. Make sure to get an ayurvedic treatment as soon as possible. If the condition worsens, there are minimum chances to revive the kidneys back.

With the team of our highly skilled ayurvedic nephrologists, we head out with a movement that says, "Kidney disease-free India". To transform our dream into reality, we are giving our head-to-toe efforts to make readers aware of this deadly renal problem so that they can save themselves before it knocks on your door.

Dig into the early signs of kidney shrinkage before the problem increases.

What are the symptoms of kidney shrinkage?

The symptoms of kidney shrinkage are hard to get noticed at an early stage; you might not realize the lurking threat heading towards your kidneys. However, you may experience some common symptoms when the problem gets severe with time; they may include the following -

  • Severe itchiness
  • Severe muscle cramps
  • Nausea and feeling of throwing up
  • Drowsiness
  • Swollen hands and feet
  • Having more urges to pass urine
  • Loss of appetite

Other signs of the atrophic kidney include: -

  • - High creatinine level
  • - Anorexia
  • - Malnutrition
  • - Electrolyte abnormalities
  • - Acidosis

What causes lead to kidney shrinkage?

Kidney damage can start abruptly, and once there is any severe injury or any underlying disease in the individual, it makes you vulnerable to kidney shrinkage. There are several conditions or diseases which can lead to kidney shrinkage may include the following: -

  • Cancer
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Infection, like tuberculosis, Hepatitis
  • Obstruction in the urinary tract
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome
  • any severe accident affecting kidneys
Ayurvedic Treatment for ckd kidney

You are at higher risk of having kidney problems if you have:-

  • Type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • Family history of kidney disease
  • High blood pressure

How can kidney shrinkage be cured with ayurvedic treatment?

Ayurveda is a traditional method that involves a notable association of ayurvedic treatment, the diet, and the administration of potent herbs, which assists in reversing kidneys' actual size and functioning. Ayurvedic medicine for kidney shrinkage is a precise blend of several herbs and ayurvedic remedies which balance the complicated human doshas known as the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Once these doshas are maintained, one can reach an overall holistic health. Ayurvedic approach is obtained from some of the most rarely endowed and mystical nature's healing extract, which can heal every health problem gradually.

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