How to keep your kidney strong and healthy?

Your kidneys might be small, but they share mighty importance in keeping you alive. Your fist-sized kidneys sitting on either side of your lower spine are in charge of performing many important roles that are undeniably important for your survival. Before we move further on this topic, let's take a closure look at some primary functions of your kidneys that includes the following-


  • Your kidneys are nature's best blood purifiers that filter your blood from waste products and other excessive substances.
  • Your kidneys produce an active form of vitamin D that is needed to keep your bones strong and healthy.
  • Your kidneys regulate the production of red blood cells.
  • Your kidneys balance the levels of fluids in your body.
  • Your kidneys keep the levels of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, protein, and sodium in a proportionate amount.
  • Your kidneys remove acidic waste that is produced by the cells during various body's processes.

Your kidneys are like your best friend that works day in day out with one goal- Just to keep you alive. Hence it's our paramount responsibility to give little extra importance to your kidneys as compromised kidneys can bring storms over your health and welcome some chronic health conditions, such as high blood pressure, tumour, brain stroke, and heart attack in severe cases.

How to be kind to your kidneys?

By being kind to your kidneys, you can add a few more years in your life span, and kidney cleansing is the effective way that will make your kidneys strong and healthy. Kidney cleansing is a program that mainly involves consuming a well-rounded diet and an adequate amount of water to promote the removal of waste products and toxins from the body via urine.

Ayurvedic Kidney Disease Treatment

Your kidneys are remarkably intricate organs of your body that can even cleanse themselves when you consume excessive amounts of fluids and substances that are no longer needed by your body. But this requires extra work by your kidneys to expel excessive substances from the body.

Because of being overworked, your kidneys develop inflammation inside the kidneys' filtering units (glomeruli) and stop working properly as they should. So the main agenda of the kidney cleansing program is to consume foods that are easygoing and induce less pressure on your kidneys.

Here we've listed some essential tips that may help improve your kidneys' health and reduces the potential risk of developing kidney disease-

Drink more water

Water is the essential fluid of your body; the human body consists of around 60 per cent of water ratio, which means that every cell, tissue, and organ of your body requires water for their optimum functioning. Water is the essential fluid that powers the purification process done by your kidneys. It allows your body to flush out excess waste products from the body through urine. It balances the levels of substances in the body, including potassium, phosphorus, protein, calcium, and sodium. Hence it's crucial to drink at least 3.7 litres of water per day to keep your body hydrated.

Limit your sodium intake

Sodium is the essential component of your body. The human body needs sodium for promoting the smooth functioning of its nerves and muscles. Your body needs sodium to regulate blood pressure, blood volume and also conduct nerve impulses. But consuming more than 2500 mg of salt in a day can affect your health by elevating your blood pressure to the danger mark, increasing your risk of having irreversible kidney disease, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.

Make right dietary changes

People with compromised kidneys' functioning must make certain dietary modifications to protect kidneys from further damage. Kidney patients are often restricted to consuming certain foods and beverages that may have a bad effect on their kidneys which may include-

  • Processed foods
  • Refined carbohydrates
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Animal sourced protein, such as pork, beef, and organ meat
  • Foods that are high in sodium
  • Sugar and artificial preservatives

Don't worry; there are still delicious food options that you can experiment with in your kidney-friendly diet such as -

  • Red grapes
  • Apples
  • Low-fat dairy products (not at night)
  • Vegetables
  • lean meats, including skinless chicken and seafood
  • Whole grains, such as brown rice, barley, and oatmeal;

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