What all dairy products are advised to kidney patients?

When it is about daily diet, most people would say that they consume milk or other dairy products in their diet. They won't discuss the quantity of these products but only the types. Milk, Cheese, Butter, Curd, etc., are some of the most-loved and preferred dairy products worldwide. While many people prefer having these products for their taste, most of them prefer these products for their high nutritional value. An eight-ounce glass of milk is said to fulfill the nutrients requirement of the day for most people, including children. Most dairy products are naturally abundant in vitamins, protein, calcium, phosphorous, and other elements useful for the body.


 However, when it comes to discussing the normal diet for kidney patients, Ayurvedic experts prescribe only a few dairy products that can be consumed by patients (in a limited quantity). This article would give you major details of the dairy products diet for kidney patients. In most cases, kidney patients are advised not to consume a heavy amount of dairy products as they are rich in protein and most kidney diseases are a result of protein efficiency. Healthy kidneys perform their functions effectively.

Kidneys are responsible for filtering out toxins and waste substances from the product and also maintain water levels. However, a person suffering from kidney disease loses the ability to digest an excessive amount of protein or other nutrients that ultimately result in conditions like kidney stones or kidney failure. Hence, a kidney patient is always advised to refer a health expert to get the best dairy products diet.

Why Dairy Products are Important to Consume?

We can't think of a healthy body without dairy products. Our body and its organs require a sufficient amount of nutrients and elements that provide energy. On the other hand, Kidneys maintain the level of these nutrients required by our body and remove excess of them through urine. Here are a few nutritional facts about dairy products.

  • Protein: Protein helps in building muscles and making our internal organs strong. It also helps our body to fight off infections and heal wounds. Dairy products like Cow Milk, etc. are rich in protein. However, in case a patient is suffering from problems like Kidney Stones, Kidney failure, etc., it is always advised to reduce the intake of products rich in protein. Always consult a health expert to know what quantity of dairy products you should consume.
  • Calcium: Milk is naturally abundant in calcium. Every human needs calcium for keeping enough muscle mass and for strong bones. Calcium also plays an important role in blood clotting. However, just like protein, one must consult a health expert to get an idea on how much quantity of dairy products he/she must take to limit the levels of calcium in the body.
  • Phosphorus: It is a mineral we get from food and dairy products. It plays an integral role in the formation of teeth and bones. This mineral is also important as it maintains the protein, carbohydrate, and fat levels inside our bodies. Again, before consuming phosphorus-rich products, one must consult a health expert to get the best guidance on the dairy products diet, especially for kidney patients.
  • Potassium: Potassium is another element rich in various dairy products. It regulated our heartbeat and helps in muscles contraction. When the kidney stops functioning properly, potassium levels in the blood can increase leading to more problems. Hence, kidney patients are advised to consult an Ayurvedic expert to get the best dairy products diet.

Dairy Products Diet for Kidney Patients

So far we have discussed the nutritional benefits of dairy products. But despite their importance, consuming them in abundance can result in serious complications. Kidneys are responsible for filtering excess amounts of minerals and nutrients. However, when patients suffer from kidney problems, their bodies are not able to process this excess amount of minerals and nutrients. As a result, they either end up rupturing the blood vessels or accumulate inside the kidneys.

Ayurvedic Kidney Disease Treatment

If they rupture the kidneys, it is either in blood leakage or internal blooding that leads to life-threatening problems. In the cases where these excess elements accumulated in the kidney, they result in kidney stones that are harmful in the long term if not cured on time. For all these reasons, Ayurveda prescribes a dairy products diet for kidney patients using which they can maintain a balance of required elements.

Here are a few dairy products that are advised by Ayurvedic experts:

  • Desi Cow Milk (not pasteurized)
  • Desi Ghee
  • Paneer (made from cow milk)
  • Curd

Apart from all these dairy products, Ayurveda experts ask kidney patients to bring significant changes in their lifestyle that also include dietary changes. Here is a list of dietary of lifestyle changes that kidney patients must bring in their lives to get the best use of Ayurveda.

  • Avoiding smoking or drinking alcohol
  • Consumption of green vegetables
  • Eating Egg Whites
  • Avoid taking pain-killers
  • Having adequate sleep
  • Exercising daily
  • Avoid eating junk food
  • Yoga, etc.

All these things are a must if a patient wants to use Ayurvedic methods in treating all kinds of kidney problems. Though all the food products mentioned above are prescribed by Ayurveda, their quantity depends on the degree of kidney disease a patient is suffering from. If the problem is because of insufficiency of nutrients, health experts would advise you to increase the intake of dairy products, and vice-versa.

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