How is Ayurveda working to control kidney disease?

Ayurvedic treatment is best known for its fantastic healing ability which can cure any type of kidney problem that ranges from mild to severe ones. Ayurvedic treatment is a way better option than allopathy or any other form of newly-evolved medications which only focuses to suppress the symptoms instead of working on the primary drivers of the problems. But Ayurvedic treatment is intended to detect and cure the primary drivers of the problems which contribute to damage to your kidneys and interferes with their functioning. Ayurvedic treatment for kidney problems is proven effective in curing damage, obstruction, or inflammation caused inside your kidneys.


Allopathy believes that kidney failure at the end stage cannot be cured with routine medications, a person has to make some major dietary changes or have to undergo dialysis to live. But Ayurveda has something else to say on that.

According to Ayurveda kidney problems at the end stage can be reversed and cured with Ayurvedic treatment. Ayurveda is the science of life that uses a holistic way of treatment to cure kidney dysfunction with the administration or intervention of several powerful herbs, leaves, and fruits which composed of with a unique healing ability that can reverse your kidneys’ functioning back to their original state.

Ayurvedic Dr Puneet Kidney Specialist

Let’s get a grasp of the Ayurvedic perspective towards kidney failure

Kidney failure is the result of the disruption caused in our three primary doshas ( Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) which controls certain areas of the human body such as digestion, metabolism, blood circulation, heartbeat, thoughts, body weight, immune system, and pulse movement. Sometimes the increased consumption of foods, for example, foods that are extremely oily, salty, spicy, and supplemented with artificial preservatives can make you more prone to have kidney-related problems that can bad to worse in no time without getting noticed at the beginning. This is why Ayurvedic practitioners have placed a special focus on a good diet because your diet plays a crucial role in keeping your doshas at balance which can be easily aggravated if your increased your consumption of having unhealthy foods ( junk food) that can cause inflammation inside kidneys.

What exactly happens to your kidneys when you eat junk food?

Your fist-sized kidneys play a crucial role in purifying your blood from waste products that are produced by the foods we eat. Waste products can be considered as excessive substances such as salt, calcium, carbohydrates, fats, and other excessive fluids which are no more required inside your body. When we eat junk food, we unintentionally make our kidneys overwork totriggered get the excessive substances out of the body which is essential to purify your blood which is required for the optimum functioning of your body. This continuous pressure on your kidneys causes inflammation inside the tiny blood tubules which are primed to perform the purification process for your kidneys. Kidney problems can also be caused due to bacteria, viruses, and infections which can invade the territories of your kidneys and interferes with their functioning.

Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure is based on the bio-cleansing procedures of Panchakarma which is considered an important segment of Ayurvedic treatment. This method helps your body to get rid of harmful infections, bacteria, and viruses which makes you vulnerable to having some serious kidney problems.

Let’s take a closure look at the symptoms of kidney failure which are mostly hard to get noticed at the beginning.

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

Kidney problems might come up when it gets severe with time. Here we’ve listed some common symptoms which include the following-

  • Loss of appetite
  • Feeling pressure or pain in the chest
  • Feeling pain or burning sensation while passing urine
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Blood in urine
  • Shortness of breath
  • Having high creatinine level
  • Nausea and feeling of throwing up
  • Fever
  • Anxiety and depression

When to see a doctor?

It’s essential to seek medical attention if you constantly feel the above-mentioned symptoms in your health. Kidney problems are preventable if noted in the early stage, but can also play havoc on your health if underestimated and not get treated with the right medication.

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