Is Ayurvedic Medicine Effective in Kidney Failure?

What is kidney failure?

Kidneys are the vital organs that provide whole management of the essential balance of your body. In simple words, they perform major duties which are prominent in managing the internal and external growth of your body. They run on three fundamental principles which are: Filtrate, Reabsorb and Eliminate. They filter waste products and excess fluids from your blood. The glomeruli are the tiny blood vessels that are the filtering part of the kidneys. Glomerular damage can lead to obstructions in blood filtration. Unpurified blood can have deposits of waste products and excess fluids that can prove to be harmful to kidneys and surrounding organs. Some diseases and medical health conditions target the kidney due to which kidneys are not able to function properly and do not work as they should.

Kidney failure is a medical condition that describes that your kidney has lost its ability to perform functions anymore. It occurs when your kidney has lost 80-90% function. Kidney failure is the last stage of chronic kidney disease which is also called Renal failure. Immediate action is required as impaired kidney function can create life-threatening issues for you. Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure has proven to reduce the rate of negative impacts of damaged kidney function in your body.

What are the signs and symptoms of Kidney failure?

Signs and symptoms play a crucial role in identifying the internal health condition of your body. When your kidney has reached the stage of end-stage renal disease then these symptoms can occur:

  • Reduction in the amount of urine.
  • Swelling in your legs, ankles and feet.
  • Unjustified shortness of breath.
  • Fatigue.
  • Nausea.
  • Chest pain.
  • Seizures.
  • coma.

Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure is made from pure and organic herbs which can help in vanquishing the symptoms and the complications that arise due to the major health condition.

What are the causes of Kidney failure?

Several kidney diseases can result in great functional damage and eventually lead to total failure. These can be the central reasons which are associated with kidney failure.

Reduced blood flow to the kidney

Sudden decrement in the blood flow to your kidney can trigger kidney failure. These conditions cause loss of blood flow to the kidneys:

  • Heart attack.
  • Cardiovascular disease.
  • Liver failure.
  • Dehydration.
  • Severe burn.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Kidney infections.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Use of anti-inflammatory medications

Problems in the elimination of urine

When kidneys are damaged they can not filter waste products due to which heaps of waste products can build up in your blood and overload the kidneys. Cancer can create obstructions in the passage of urine which includes:

  • Prostate cancer.
  • Colon cancer.
  • Cervical cancer.
  • Bladder cancer.

These conditions can create interference in the process of urination:

  • Kidney stones.
  • An enlarged prostate.
  • Formation of blood clots in your urinary tract.
  • Damage to the nerves which controls your bladder.

Diabetes and high blood pressure are the common causes of kidney failure as elevated sugar and blood pressure levels can cause irreparable damage to the kidneys. Other medical problems that cause kidney failure are as follows:

  • Autoimmune diseases such as lupus or IgA nephropathy.
  • Inherited diseases such as polycystic kidney disease.
  • Nephrotic syndrome.
  • Urinary tract problems.

With the use of Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure, abnormal kidney function can go back because ayurvedic treatment deals with the above causes first.

When to see the doctor?

If you are experiencing any of the signs and symptoms that are mentioned above. Book an appointment with the doctor and seek medical advice about what treatment you are going to opt for.

Is ayurvedic medicine effective in kidney failure?

Having a kidney failure can lead you to many treatment options like dialysis or a renal transplant. But little did you know that such treatments can prove to be harmful to your body. Man-made machines are used as artificial kidney in dialysis and their painful procedures can take a toll on you and your family’s life. If your body starts having complications due to dialysis then a renal transplant is recommended according to your critical condition. You can experience a whole lot of complications as one can wait for months even years for a suitable kidney donor. This can reduce the survival rate as modern medications have only limited options that are available for the treatment of this major kidney condition.

Therefore ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure does not include the use of dialysis or surgery. It is a natural treatment that defies the use of harmful machines and drug-based antibiotics. Ayurveda is an ancient medical science that can provide solutions to even major conditions like kidney failure. It gives a way out to the patients from undergoing dialysis their whole life. The prescribed Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure contains no harmful drugs or supplements. The medications are formed by ayurvedic practitioners who have procured expertise in the field of Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure. The herb-based medications focus on suppressing the increasing complications and heal the damaged kidney cells naturally. They do not create any side effects like allopathic medicines and provide 100% relief from the complications of kidney failure.

The vast knowledge of ayurvedic herbs can work miraculously in decreasing the effects of kidney failure. The permanency of Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure is high and increases the survival rate in kidney failure. The failed kidney often regenerates without dialysis and herbs create a long-lasting effect on them. This proves that ayurvedic medicine is effective in kidney failure.

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