Role of Ayurveda as a medicinal system in kidney disease treatment

India is a land of diversity and medicinal systems have not been an exception. It’s known for its traditional medicinal systems namely Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani. These medicinal systems are derived or taken from the ancient Vedas or other scriptures. Among these, the Ayurvedic healing concept was developed between 2500 and 500 BC in India.

The words Ayurveda means ‘Science of Life’, the reason is this ancient Indian health system revolves around a patient's body and his/her underlying illness. This holistic treatment offers a lasting cure using herbal medications, and some therapies. Additionally, it offers a complete system to live a long healthy life. It also improves the rejuvenation of the body through a natural diet. This healing system teaches people to be aware of their health to keep themselves healthy; physically, mentally, and spiritually. However, it also makes people aware of and educates people about an Ayurvedic diet that works wonders for the body if followed dedicatedly. In short, this treatment mainly emphasizes on reforming the balance between, mind, body, and soul to promote overall wellness.

If we talk in medical terms, Ayurveda is a holistic treatment method that acts upon deep causes of a disease to offer lasting relief naturally. 

An introduction to kidneys

Kidneys are one of the must-have organs in the human body that perform numerous functions for a healthy body. Mainly, these organs are known as filtering organs as they remove wastes and other impurities from the blood through urine. They can carry out their entire functionality in their healthy state. But when they lose their functionality, it means they are in a miserable health condition. At this health phase, one needs to go for the best treatment to fight this problem effectively. 

Kidney disease treatment requires repairing the damage that occurred in these organs and eradicating all the complications and symptoms. If we look into modern healing methods, it can't offer a lasting relief as it works on complications of a disease instead of its root causes. It can only manage kidney disorders and delay kidney failure. On the other hand, the treatment of kidney disease in Ayurveda has a better treatment approach that helps fight kidney disease naturally. 

Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Disease

Kidneys are the most adjustable organs in the human body as they do not cause any symptoms in their mild or moderate state. However, many symptoms may appear in their severe damage state. A few of those symptoms are; 

  • Pain abdomen, back, or side
  • Change in urine appearance and output
  • Increased urge to urinate
  • Loss of appetite
  • Poor concentration
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Breath shortness
  • Muscle cramping
  • Skin bruising
  • Weakness or fatigue 

With the increasing severity of the disease, one may experience more symptoms.  

If it comes to causative factors for kidney disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure are the most common ones. Apart from that, urinary tract infection, loss of blood supply to kidneys, dehydration, intake of certain medicines may also be responsible for poor kidney health.    

How does Ayurveda work in kidney disease? 

As mentioned above, Ayurveda is a holistic treatment method that aims to cure kidney problems by working on deep causes of disease. In short, this holistic treatment works on relieving complications of kidney disease along with repairing the damage and thus rejuvenating these organs naturally. Since, treatment of kidney disease in Ayurveda applies ancient healing methodology, providing a lasting cure is the main goal.

In this program, Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment mainly takes the help of natural herbs, and some ancient therapies, etc. Additionally, this treatment also suggests a personalized diet and few lifestyle changes. By doing so, this treatment promotes the natural functionality of your inner body system resulting in a good health. If an Ayurvedic practitioner suggests this treatment pattern, he may help a kidney patient gain his normal kidney health by repairing damage and also revive kidneys’ health. This treatment doesn’t utilize dialysis or any surgery like a kidney transplant. 

In a nutshell, an Ayurvedic practitioner creates a holistic treatment plan mainly designed as per the patients’ health condition. He will take into consideration your body type mainly doshic properties and other inner vital energies of the body. Following this treatment principle, your Ayurvedic practitioner helps in setting you free from your kidney health naturally for lifelong. 

Choose the best treatment for kidney disease in Ayurveda if you are searching for effective, natural, and lasting relief.

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