How can you treat protein in urine naturally?

What is proteinuria?

Time to time your kidneys are faced with various health conditions that can disrupt the entire functioning of your body. One of those conditions is proteinuria. Proteinuria is detected due to the abnormal amount of protein in urine, it is connected with some kind of abnormality that can detect the arrival of kidney diseases which can create disturbance in the life of healthy individuals. Normally urine only consists of the usual amount of protein which is essential for your body. Kidneys are the central management that acquire healthy functioning for your body .They are a part of urinary tract which handles multiple jobs like filtering waste from your blood and the production of urine. The liquid portion of your blood is a mix of many different proteins and one of the many functions of kidneys is to stop the plasma protein from getting out along with the waste products during the process of urination and excretion. The main component that is present in your blood is also a protein which is known as albumin. Proteins play an essential role in your body as they are the ones that help in strengthening your bones and muscles, preparing your immune system to combat foreign infections and control the amount of essential fluids in your blood.

When your kidneys are healthy they remove extra fluids and waste from your blood but when your kidneys are damaged leading them not to perform well enough then they can let some blood protein albumin pass through their filters and result in the increment of protein in your urine,which is unusual and causes the condition of proteinuria. Having too much protein can also be a sign of Nephrotic syndrome. It can also detect earlier signs of kidney disease that can create obstructions for the abnormal functioning in your body.

Nowadays diabetes and high blood pressure are the main causes which are increasing the risk of kidney disease in India .This type of condition can also be inherited if you have a family history of kidney disease.

Ayurvedic treatment for protein in urine can also be considered as a way to treat the unusual amounts of protein in your body and urine.

What are the signs and symptoms of proteinuria?

The question that arises when you start to study more about this health condition is,”how to know if I have too much protein in my urine ?“.You will never know when your kidneys are beginning to have problems or you do not have a lot of protein present in your body which can also be a sign of internal minimal growth.You will not notice any symptoms when you have proteinuria .the only way that can help you detect proteinuria is undergoing urine test .The following test will help you get to know about the amount of albumin in urine as well as essential compounds will also be measured so that you can know the health state of your kidneys. Certain symptoms can help in signifying the kidney damage and large amounts of protein in your urine. They are as follows:

  • Frothy or bubbly appearance of urine.
  • Edema: swelling in your hands ,feet, abdomen or face.

If you are having these symptoms then it is a sign that the kidney damage has reached its extent so it will be better if you undergo ayurvedic treatment for protein in urine because it has a natural approach to treating the condition from its core.

  • Multiple urges to urinate.
  • Asthma like conditions or shortness of breath.
  • Weakness, nausea and vomiting.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Muscle cramps during night.
  • Puffiness around the eyes

These are also symptoms for a major health condition that damages your kidneys over a long period of time; this condition is known as chronic kidney disease.

What are the causes of proteinuria?

There can be many causes for proteinuria. Either they can be non cancerous or occur due to temporary medical conditions. These include:

  1. Dehydration.
  2. Inflammation.
  3. Low blood pressure.
  4. Intense exercise or activities that gives rise to the formation of protein in your blood.
  5. Unstable mental health.
  6. Use of drugs.
  7. Exposure to cold kidney stones in the urinary tract.

Ayurvedic treatment for protein in urine studies the central causes with a great focus which can help the natural treatment in working effectively for the reversal of the causes.

How long can you live with proteinuria?

Proteinuria is an emblem of kidney disease ,it is related with risk of dangerous outcomes that can cause a string of kidney diseases in human beings. The question that we are most often asked is about the life expectancy for the people having proteinuria. The rate of life differs from age as age of a person is the major factor that decides the strength of their body to fight the major health conditions.

The measurement of glomerular filtration rate also helps in knowing about the life expectancy of patients with the condition of proteinuria.

The points including due to aging, changes in lifestyle or the ways that one person takes medications are central to know about the progression of the case.In conclusion ,a huge progression is found in the people of India that are suffering from proteinuria because hypertension and diabetes are one of the key resources that are increasing the risk of significant health condition.

What is the best treatment for proteinuria?

When someone is diagnosed with the condition of proteinuria. They are advised immediate treatments like kidney dialysis or kidney transplants in order to stop the progression of kidney failure.But little do they know that these treatments come with a lot of negative impacts that can create complications for the patients as well as their family.

Ayurveda has given solutions that can create a path to afford natural healing treatments for the people who are not gifted with great inheritance.

Your choices that you make for your body are the ones that decide what is going to be the outcome for your body .Because food is very essential in order to keep a record of your health . Your body uses the food you eat as the fuel so it can function accordingly. According to ayurveda ,ahar and vihar are two principles that are very important for keeping your body in the lane of health. Ayurvedic treatment for protein in urine gives a guide of customised diet charts ,natural healing therapies and medications which are herbal and organic.

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