How do I stop my kidneys from leaking protein?

Having protein in your urine is a clear indication of proteinuria which leads to an excessive loss of protein from the body via urine. Proteinuria can occur when you have excessive protein intake which makes your kidneys overwork to remove excessive amounts of protein from the body. When this doesn’t happen then protein cells start collecting on the filtering units of your kidneys which can also cause swelling in the small blood vessels inside your kidneys.

These small blood tubules are termed as Glomeruli which plays a crucial role in purifying your blood from chemical toxins and other excessive fluids which are required to flush out from the body via urine. Apart from that, Glomeruli are also primed in preventing some essential nutrients, like protein from seeping out of the body through urine. When damaged, they lose their ability to prevent protein (albumin) from seeping out from the body during the urine elimination process.

Coming back to the main headline of today’s article which says how you can stop your kidneys from leaking protein?

According to Ayurveda, proteinuria is the result of aggravation caused in the doshas of your body which are- Vata dosha, Pitta dosha, and Kapha dosha. These doshas control certain areas and functions of the human body, but sometimes these doshas get disrupted due to when we induce virudh aahar, such as processed or canned foods in our diet. Such foods can aggravate doshas which can bring some severe health conditions including kidney-related problems, like proteinuria.

Although, there are a plethora of drugs and medicines available which can reverse your kidneys’ functioning but the effect of such medicines fuels out very soon without actually curing the permanent drivers of the problems affecting your kidneys’ functioning.

If you wish for a healthy and safe recovery from proteinuria then Ayurvedic treatment is proven effective in curing many health problems including proteinuria. The ayurvedic treatment uses a holistic approach to cure dead or weak kidneys’ cells so that they start functioning as they should.

The three stages of Ayurvedic treatment

Ayurvedic herbs work in three different stages which include-

  • Bio-cleansing procedure (panchakarma)
  • Strengthening of natural defenses
  • Stimulation of dead or weaken kidneys’ cells

Bio-cleansing procedure (panchkarma)

Panchkarma is an important segment of Ayurvedic treatment which detoxifies your body internally from toxins, viruses, and infections that make you vulnerable to having many health problems.

Strengthening of natural defenses

Ayurvedic medicines power your immune system which enhances your body’s ability to fight the disease naturally.

Stimulation of dead or weaken kidneys’ cells

Ayurvedic herbs also stimulate your weakened or dead kidneys’ cells so that they start functioning as they should.

Symptoms of proteinuria

Proteinuria can easily go unnoticed during the initial stages and only comes up with the visible symptoms when you lose 30 to 40% of your kidneys’ functioning. Here we’ve listed some common symptoms of proteinuria that you can diagnose and detect the lurking threat in time-

  • Tiredness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and feeling of throwing up
  • Severe muscle cramps
  • Having frequent urges to pass urine
  • Having puffiness around the eyes, especially in the morning
  • Having foamy or bubbly urine which indicates protein in the urine
  • Having a strong foul smell in your urine

If you feel any of the following symptoms in your health then it’s recommended to consult the doctor to kill the potential health problem with the right medication.

Causes of proteinuria

There are many factors that can affect your kidneys’ functioning and leads to an excessive loss of protein from the body via urine-

  • Severe dehydration
  • Low blood pressure
  • High stress
  • Obesity
  • Immune disorder, like- lupus
  • Kidney cancer
  • Excessive loss of blood
  • Inflammation caused in glomeruli
  • High stress
  • Kidney stones
  • A blood cancer called multiple myeloma
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Intense physical activity

How to diagnose proteinuria?

Having foamy urine is the primary symptom of proteinuria. A person who’s suffering from proteinuria will constantly have foamy urine with a strong foul smell. If you’re feeling the same then it’s advised to get your blood and urine samples tested so that you can monitor your kidneys’ health.

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