What Is The Best Medicine To reduce creatinine?

Creatinine is a natural chemical by-product that is transformed from creatine (an essential body substance that strengthens muscles). Most creatinine released into the bloodstream is the result of the conversion of creatine. Kidneys are responsible for managing creatinine levels in the bloodstream. In general words, kidneys clear out creatinine from the blood while a little amount is left in your bloodstream. This little amount of creatinine doesn’t cause any harm to your health; thus, it is considered normal serum creatinine. Creatinine level may increase due to many factors such as stress, extreme workout, intake of certain medicines, dehydration, etc. These factors can cause a temporary rise in creatinine level that needs no treatment. On the other hand, any severe kidney problem may be the main factor behind high serum creatinine value.


If it comes to the normal creatinine level, it is 0.9 to 1.3 mg per deciliter in males and 0.6 to 1.1 mg per deciliter in a female. However, this level may vary as per age, body mass, and gender, etc.

What happens when your creatinine is high?

If your creatinine level in blood is high, it may cause some changes in your body that are considered as high creatinine symptoms. If you have a high creatinine level due to poor kidney health, you may notice many symptoms that are fluid retention, passing low urine amount, feeling weak, confusion, nausea, breath shortness, abnormal heartbeat, pain in the chest, etc. When you experience any of these symptoms, go to a medical practitioner immediately.

How is creatinine level detected?

By administering some medical tests, your doctor can confirm if you have a high creatinine level. The tests which are widely used to measure creatinine value are as below:

Blood tests:- Creatinine is present in your blood thus, it can be measured by conducting a blood test. When kidney function deteriorates, they lose their ability to clear wastes including creatinine, from the blood. In order to measure serum creatinine level, blood samples taken from the patient are analyzed in order to see if you have a higher level of creatinine in your blood.

In order to measure serum creatinine level, blood samples taken from the patient are analyzed in order to see if you have a higher level of creatinine in your blood.

Urine tests

A urine test is the most common test that helps determine creatinine level in the urine. Some urine samples of a patient are examined to check how well creatinine is cleared from your body through urine.

A few more tests can be administered to check abnormal Creatinine levels in the blood. If your creatinine level is found to be high due to poor kidney functioning, tests like Renal Imaging and Kidney biopsy can also be conducted.

Your healthcare provider may suggest you the best cure as per your test reports and thorough deep analysis.

Best treatment for high creatinine

If your creatinine level is high, your doctor prescribes the best cure. An allopathic practitioner will prescribe you some medicines to reduce your blood creatinine level. In persistently high creatinine level, you are suggested to go on dialysis to clear out this waste from your blood. But Allopathy doesn’t work on the underlying cause of the problem; therefore, it can’t offer a permanent cure. All it can do is manage complications associated with high creatinine levels but can fix the root causes of the problem. Consequently, this modern treatment doesn’t offer a lasting cure to high creatinine. Many side-effects are also associated with this treatment. Instead of Allopathy, choosing Ayurvedic treatment can be beneficial.

Ayurveda is the ancient healing method that works on internal disturbance of the body and also revives overall health. In other words, this age-old treatment method balances disturbed body energies and also revives affected body organs naturally. In high creatinine, suppose your kidney disease is the causative factor, Ayurveda administers its ancient healing principle and techniques to normalize it permanently. Primarily, this natural treatment works on underlying problems and also improves kidneys’ health simultaneously. This healing program makes your kidneys healthy again so that they can do their blood filtering and waste elimination function properly. Once your kidneys start working well, your creatinine level can’t go high, and thus a person lives a complication-free and healthy life.

As far as the Ayurvedic treatment process is considered, it utilizes nature’s therapeutic properties. Mainly, natural herbs are the main component of Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine. There is no specific herb for high creatinine as it uses different herbs as per the body type, underlying cause, and body complications of a patient. Herbal medicines work well in high creatinine as it normalizes creatinine level by improving kidneys’ normal functionality naturally. Along with herbal formulations, a patient with high creatinine problems is also suggested to follow some dietary changes and few other lifestyle modifications. As a result, Ayurvedic medicines work extremely well in reducing your creatinine level naturally without causing any side-effects on your health.

Choose the best Ayurvedic hospital if you want to lower your creatinine level permanently.

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