What foods help repair kidneys?

Kidney disease is a common medical condition influencing the lives of 10% of the world’s population. They are a powerful organ that helps perform many important functions, including the blood filtration process. Each day, the kidneys filter around 150-200 quarts of blood and produce urine out of it. During the process, they not only eliminate toxins but also transport excess fluid so that it does not seep into the cells and tissues.

Not to forget that they help release hormones that regulate blood pressure, balance fluid levels in the body, produce urine and do other important tasks.


Many conditions obstruct the function of the kidneys. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two main causes of kidney disease. However, our diet, genetics, age, lifestyle habits, smoking, obesity, etc has a lot to do with our kidneys. Uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure can damage the kidneys or their blood vessels and reduce their ability to function well.

When the kidneys are not working well, waste may buildup in the blood. This also includes the waste from the food we consume. So, a diet plays an important role in the prevention and management of kidney disease.

Diet and kidney disease

Dietary restrictions are determined on the basis of stage of kidney disease. Those with kidney failure need to follow completely different guidelines than those in the initial stages.

Components of a renal diet

Sodium:- Sodium is a major component of table salt. Damaged kidneys cannot filter excess sodium, and so its level in the blood rises. Too much sodium can be harmful equally because it results in fluid retention. When this happens, the fluid starts to seep into the cells and tissues, causing you high blood pressure.

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Potassium:- Potassium plays an important role in the body. But if you have kidney disease, you might have noticed your dietician not recommending foods that are rich in potassium. The dietary phosphorus is restricted to 2000 mg per day in most cases.

Phosphorus:- The unhealthy kidneys may not remove excess phosphorus, a mineral found in many foods. So, try to balance the phosphorus content in your meals, somewhere in between 800-1000 mg.

Here are some of the best foods people with kidney disease can consume.

1. Cauliflower : - Cauliflower is a nutritious vegetable that is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin K, and the B vitamin folate. It’s anti-inflammatory properties, and fiber-rich content helps repair kidneys by reducing their workload. Cauliflower contains less amount of sodium and phosphorus, so it is a good fit for kidney patients.

2. Blueberries : - Blueberries are the greatest sources of antioxidants that you can eat. These berries contain antioxidants that protect your heart, prevent the risk of various cancers, and help manage diabetes. As they are very low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, they can be added to your renal diet plan.

3. Red grapes : - Red grapes are tangy fruit that enriches your body with various nutrients. They are high in vitamin C, flavonoids, which can help reduce inflammation and subdue the risk of damage to the glomerulus. They also contain too much resveratrol, a flavonoid type that has been known to benefit your heart health. It does help you with diabetes and kidney disease.

4. Cabbage :- Cabbage is loaded with phytochemicals that help break up free radicals before they can damage the body. Many phytochemicals are known to have a protective effect against cancer and boost heart health. High in vitamin K, C, and fiber, cabbage is a good source of vitamin B6 and folic acid. In addition, it is low in potassium, phosphorus, and sodium, which is good for kidney patients.

5. Bell peppers :- These colored veggies have an impressive amount of nutrients. They are low in potassium, unlike other vegetables, which are not suggested to kidney patients. They are loaded with powerful antioxidants, vitamin C. They are also loaded with vitamin A, known to improve immune function capacity.

6. Onions :-They are sodium-free edition to kidney patients’ diet. It is otherwise tough to reduce salt intake in the diet, so you can use alternatives like sauteed onions with garlic as a seasoning to add flavor to your food. Onions are high in vitamin C, manganese, prebiotic fibers, and vitamins B, so you should ask your dietician about the quantity to consume during kidney disease.

7. Cranberries :- Cranberries are helpful for both urinary tract infections and kidneys. This fruit contains phytonutrients called A-type proanthocyanidins, which prohibits bacteria from sticking to the lining of the urinary tract and bladder and prevents infection. So, for those with kidney disease, it is quite useful to include cranberries in the diet as it prevents the growth of bacteria in the kidneys. Cranberries are very low in potassium, phosphorus, and sodium.

8. Apples :- Apples have been known to subdue rising levels of cholesterol, prevent constipation, reduce the risk of cancer, and protect the heart against any disease. An apple a day actually helps keeps the doctor away. Apples are high in fiber and anti-inflammatory compounds that can be paired with various fruits. Eat them the way you like and help protect your kidney function.

9. Olive oil :- Olive oil is a source of fat, which is a great option for people with kidney disease. People with advanced kidney disease are restricted to other oils, but they can have olive oil to prevent them from putting on weight. The majority of fat in olive oil is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, the anti-inflammatory properties of which help repair kidneys. One tablespoon of olive oil contains sodium 0.3 mg and potassium 0.1 mg.

10. Strawberries :-This fruit has two major phenols, anthocyanins and ellagitannins, that give strawberries their red color. Besides, they are powerful antioxidants that help the cell from oxidative damage. Strawberries are a power pack of vitamin C and manganese and a very healthy source of fiber. If you eat them, they will help you provide heart protection while anti-inflammatory properties keep the risk of cancer.

So, these were ten foods that can help repair kidneys. But remember, each kidney patient has a different nutritional requirement and so they need to consult a dietician to meet their needs.

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