What is the best suitable Indian diet chart for diabetic and kidney patients?

How soon you'll recover or how long you'll stay falls on what you have on your plate in your everyday meal. According to Ayurveda, it's 80% of the diet and 20% of the timely and complete cycle of ayurvedic medication if you wish for a natural and healthy recovery. Many people misinterpret ayurvedic treatment as magical witchcraft that heals the damage in an hour or a day. But, in reality, ayurvedic medicines are a natural progressive healing system that detects and eradicates the problem's primary drivers rather than just curing the symptoms. Instant relief isn't lasting; ayurvedic medicines stimulate and strengthen your natural defenses to fight the disease naturally.


But, ayurvedic medication cannot stand without a good diet and regular exercise. If you're in pursuit of finding the right diet plan for diabetic and kidney patients, you've landed on the right page. With our highly-qualified dietitian's skilled direction, we have listed some important Dos and Don'ts that are mandatory to be followed if you wish for a healthy recovery.

Diabetes Nephropathy Ayurvedic Treatment

Which nutrients do I need to keep in my bowl?

Diabetes and kidney disease have many different segments and stages that require different fixes and turns in the lifestyle. Its better you first get your lab reports to name your specific disease. Also, talk to your dietitian to get some insights about kidney-friendly or suitable nutrients for diabetic patients. Sometimes, kidney patients are prescribed to have more fluid in a day, while some are strictly prescribed to have lower water intake. Talking to your dietitian will help you to get a hold of a specific diet.

However, your doctor or renal dietitian will surely prescribe to lower your sodium and sugar intake in your meal.

Diet for kidney patients

After some thorough research, we have listed some commonly prescribed diet that every kidney patient should follow to keep their kidneys healthy and immune for a longer period. Some of them include the following-


Cauliflowers are nutrient-dense with a good source of many nutrients, including vitamin K, Vitamin c, and vitamin B folate. Cauliflowers are also supplemented with fibers and anti-inflammatory compounds like indoles and are an undeniably good source of fiber. Replace mashed potatoes with mashed cauliflowers for a potassium free side dish.


Garlic is embedded with anti-carcinogenic properties that can be used to cure many forms of cancers, including kidney cancer and stomach cancer. So we strongly Recommend you switch Ayurveda treatment for kidney cancer, rather than just being reliable on allopathic medications. Garlic helps the body to fight with free radicals in the body and prevent genetic mutation.

Red bell peppers

Red bell peppers are high in flavor and low in potassium, but that's not the only reason you should include this in your everyday meal. Red bell peppers are an undeniably good source of vital nutrients such as vitamin C, Vitamin A, folic acid, and fiber. Moreover, red bell peppers are also embedded with lycopene, which helps the body to fight against cancers. Eat red bell pepper with a dip as a snack or even better if you take it with chicken and salad.


Cabbage is a power source of phytochemicals, a chemical compound that helps fight cancer and enhance cardiovascular health. Cabbages are high in vitamin c and Vitamin K and also a good source of folic acid and vitamin B6. Cabbages are low in potassium and budget-friendly.

Diet for diabetes patients

Fatty fish

Fishes are considered one of the healthiest foods on earth. Fishes like sardines, salmon, and mackerel are considered a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and EPA, which have some really good health benefits for your heart. Fish fats reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Researches have shown that those who eat fish every day are at lower risk of having diabetes or acute coronary syndromes such as heart attacks. Eating fish also regulates your blood sugar levels.

Green leafy vegetables

Green vegetables are undeniably good source of nutrients and also low in calories. They're easy to digest as they have less digestible carbs. They're also a good source of vitamin C and minerals that are required for the optimal functioning of the body.


Eggs purvey amazing health benefits and also keep you full and satisfied for a longer period. Studies have shown that people who eat eggs regularly have a lower risk of heart disease. An egg eradicates inflammation, enhances insulin sensitivity and also increases your good cholesterol.

Two egg whites have 66 grams of essential nutrients, out of which

  • Sodium is 110 mg
  • Potassium is 108 mg
  • Phosphorus is of 10 mg

Disclaimer- The diet, as mentioned earlier chart is the result of thorough research, but it's recommended to talk to your dietitian to know whether these are kidney-friendly for you or not.

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