What are the Causes of Kidney Failure?

We all know that kidney failure can be a very stressful and painful experience for any human. But what are the reasons that lead to kidney failure? Prevention of the causes is the first step towards the betterment of the condition. Therefore, it is essential for us to educate ourselves about the reasons that might result in the failure of the kidneys. In kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment, the cure is provided from the roots which means the aim of treatment is always the elimination of the causes.


While some of the reasons behind the occurrence of kidney failure are scientific and genetic, some reasons are developed by humans themselves by living a reckless life and eating unhealthy. Among the man-made causes of kidney failure, smoking and drinking habits sit on the top. Therefore, both the type of treatment, allopathic treatment, and kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment, suggest the need to stop these habits. Let us read about the causes of kidney failure in detail.

Causes of kidney failure

The causes of kidney failure can be broadly classified into three parts, acute kidney injury, chronic kidney failure, and genetic reasons.

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Acute kidney injuries

The first cause is any type of acute injury that happens to the kidneys and it happens when the flow of the blood to the kidneys gets interrupted in any way. In addition to this, the accumulation of toxins inside the kidneys can also be the reason that results in the acute failure of the kidneys. The reasons that result in the low flow of blood to the kidneys can be severe blood infections like sepsis, heart attack, dehydration, heart diseases, severe burn, allergic reactions, and liver scarring or failure. All these conditions make the kidneys deprived of the amount of blood they require to function normally.

Some other reasons for acute kidney injuries according to kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment are over consumption of drugs and some of the accidental causes such as crush syndrome, ischemia, re-perfusion injury, and damage of skeletal muscles.

Chronic kidney failure

There are a number of causes that keep on damaging the kidneys for a long time and eventually results in kidney failure. Some of the very well known causes of kidney failure over a long period of time are diabetes, hypertension, and polycystic kidney disease. Additionally, a gradual consumption of over the counter medicines, and the attack of some virus can also result in the failure of the kidneys. However, kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment has the potential to treat any long-lasting reason and make people free from the damage and pain. The herbal medicines help in curing the loss from the cellular level with the help of their therapeutic ability.

Genetic reasons

It has been seen that the APOL1 gene is majorly responsible for the failure of the organ in the people with African origin. Also, any mutation in the genes of parents brings risk for the offspring.

Some of the other reasons behind the failure of the kidneys apart from these three causes are blood clots around the kidneys, toxins overload, alcohol, cigarettes, swelling in the blood vessels, certain autoimmune diseases, glomerulonephritis, multiple myeloma, chemotherapy drugs, etc.

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Rectification with Ayurveda

No matter what the cause of the issue is kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment helps in the rectification of any issues. Problems and pains with which a person suffers by birth can also be pacified with the help of Ayurveda. Ayurveda understands the anatomy of the humans in an amazing way and decides the cure as per the bodily need, damage, and causative factor of every human. This helps Ayurveda in making the treatment customized so that the healing can be done better. Along with the medicines, there are some of the alterations made in the diet and lifestyle of humans that help in the pacification of kidney failure and provides the person with a good and healthy life. Kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment is efficient enough that it can eliminate the need for dialysis and kidney transplant. With the help of Ayurvedic herbs, yoga, alterations, and meditation process, a human can win any battle against any ailment.

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