Can Choosing Ayurvedic Treatment Help in Kidney Stone Cure?

Kidney disease causes a major impact on the life of people suffering from it undoubtedly. The impact can be physical, mental, social, and financial. Rushing towards allopathic treatment results in the complication caused due to the heavy medicines and hectic procedures. Apart from these, the challenges of affordability and availability of the treatment is also a hassle for the people. This is why choosing Ayurvedic treatment can be very beneficial.

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Coming to the answer to the question, it would not be wrong if said that Ayurvedic treatment can help best in curing kidney stones. Many expert Ayurvedic kidney doctors suggest that getting the Ayurvedic treatment does not only help you in getting better on a physical level but also supports the health in many other ways. Let us discuss how Ayurvedic treatment can cure kidney stones easily without any major or minor surgery or heavy doses of medicines.


Kidney stones and Ayurveda

The passing of a kidney stone can be a very painful experience. But can you believe that these painful stones can be thrown out without any surgery or without the consumption of any tasteless medicines? With the herbs of Ayurveda, this has been made possible. The therapeutic ability of the herbal medicines breaks down the stones in a simpler form and then removes it. The expert Ayurvedic kidney doctor says that the diuretic ability of herbal medicine helps in the generation of urine and throws the waste out. Other medicinal property such as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and the anti-microbial property also supports the kidneys and helps them rejuvenate.

Apart from the medicines of Ayurveda, making changes in eating habits and lifestyle would also help in the early elimination of the kidney stones. The expert Ayurvedic kidney doctor says that a kidney stone patient should drink a lot of water and restrict the consumption of food items that has seeds in it as they are tough to digest.


Diet and kidney stones

Given below are the diet tips one should follow during kidney stones as suggested by the expert Ayurvedic kidney doctor.

  • One should consume an ample amount of water as mentioned above. It helps in throwing stones out via urine and prevents the chances of the formation of stones.
  • One should consume food items that have a low amount of sodium in it. Excess sodium elevates the level of calcium and alleviates citrate from the urine. This increases the risk of getting stones.
  • One should consume meat in limited amounts otherwise it can elevate concentrated oxalate and uric acid.
  • Consume dietary calcium in the limit.
  • Add the consumption of citrus fruits and juices made out of it to your diet routine.
  • Do not consume food items with a high amount of oxalates.

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Lifestyle and kidney stones

Given below is the list of alterations that one should make in lifestyle according to the expert Ayurvedic kidney doctor.

  • Say no to the consumption of tobacco and products made out of it.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not do heavy exercises.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • If you have heavyweights then lose it and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Take care of the blood sugar level and blood pressure.
  • Chew your food well and eat slowly.
  • Go for a brisk walk.
  • Do not eat plant-based proteins.


Yoga and kidney stones

Practicing yoga on a regular basis also helps in the betterment of the kidney stones. There are many helpful postures that an expert Ayurvedic kidney doctor would suggest you perform so that you can pass out a kidney stone easily and feel relieved from the pain caused while suffering from kidney stones. Yoga helps in stretching the body and boosts the organ due to which they can perform in their best way possible.

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Bhujangasana, Pavanmuktasana, and Bhujangasana are some of the yoga postures that help in the betterment of kidney stones. Doing yoga daily gives a natural massage to the kidneys, digestive system, and keeps a check on the metabolism. Moreover, a gentle massage to the internal organs and compression to the abdomen can be provided by the practice of yoga daily. This helps in making ourselves free from the pain that we might feel while having a stone in the kidneys. Yoga helps in the toning of internal organs and helps in the betterment of the circulation of the blood. In addition to all these benefits, the expert Ayurvedic kidney doctor suggests that yoga helps in getting rid of restlessness, cramps, and nausea. It helps in disposing of stones that size tiny to medium.

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