Is It OK to Skip Dialysis?

Skipping or stopping any treatment like dialysis can lead to the toxins build-up and can eventually lead to death. Basically, if you skip dialysis without choosing any alternative medicine or alternative therapy for the kidneys like Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment Dialysis is the therapy that is given when the kidneys get damaged and can’t able to perform its functions for your body.

Most of the kidney patients require this treatment in thrice a week, and we understand how difficult to undergo this therapy. Therefore, it’s not uncommon to skip dialysis. Every doctor tries to treat their patients and tries to keep them healthy. They do everything to protect their kidneys, so they advise you appropriate treatment according to their best knowledge.

What is dialysis?

According to western medicines, dialysis is the procedure of removing excess fluid, solutes, and toxins from the blood in people whose kidneys can no longer perform these functions as they used to do. Most of the time, dialysis is suggested to the kidney patient when the kidney patients are waiting for the donor for renal replacement therapy. 

But dialysis is not an ultimate treatment for kidney failure. Even kidney transplants can’t cure you completely of the disorder. But with the help of the natural herbs and Ayurvedic therapies you can get kidney treatment naturally.

What Happens when you skip dialysis?

If you are on dialysis, then kidney patients are advised by the allopathic doctors not to skip any round of dialysis as it can prove harmful for their kidneys. For that purpose, you should keep a close line of communication with your doctors. 

Actually, dialysis can’t cure you, they work on controlling the damage and prevents your kidneys from further damage. Therefore, when you skip any round or session of dialysis, your kidney's health may degrade, and you will go closer to renal failure. In that condition, the toxins in the body start accumulating again, and at that condition, your body becomes incapable to remove toxins and wastes from the body. 

As toxicity levels increase in the blood, the risk for cardiovascular disease also increases and that will lead to the sudden failure of the kidneys. It can also lead to the death of any individual. Other changes that you notice after skipping dialysis are:

  • Loss of energy
  • Muscle cramps
  • Change in the present mental state
  • Abnormal sensations (burning feet, sensory issues, etc.)
  • Rashes or dryness on the skin
  • Poor appetite
  • Sudden change in weight
  • Change in the frequency of the urination
  • Sexual dysfunction 

Kidney patients have their own decision to stop or continue this therapy. But if you want a better and more productive therapy for your kidneys, then we suggest you to choose Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the only therapy that believes kidney failure is the reversible condition and the damaged cells of the kidneys can recover itself from any damage by following some healthy and kidney-friendly tips. 

Ayurvedic treatment involves the use of natural herbs and some home-remedies that are sufficient enough to treat any type or stage of kidney failure. For more information regarding kidney or kidney-related issues, you should contact Karma Ayurveda. 

They are known for providing kidney treatment without dialysis, and they are doing it since 1937. Till now, thousands of kidney patients are living disease-free life with the help of the herbal therapy provided by them.

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