Can Ayurveda offer the Best Cure for Urine Problems?

Urine problems are generally the problems related to kidneys. Kidneys are the major organs in the human body that perform blood filtration and remove toxins and excess fluid from the blood through the urine. When the kidney function gets impaired, several urine complications may take place; pain in urinating, blood in urine, too much protein in the urine, feeling the burning sensation while urinating, low or sometimes high urine output, and obstruction in urine flow are some of the major urine related problems. 

All these problems occur when kidneys lose their functionality. Urine problem treatment in Ayurveda is the most efficient method to cure all these problems naturally. Before taking a deep insight into Ayurveda for Urine problem treatment, let's take a look at kidneys and some associated factors.

Kidneys are the two major organs in the human body that are known to perform numerous tasks to facilitate the human body to function smoothly. This pair of organs performs numerous tasks naturally.

Signs of kidney problems 

When the kidneys get any adverse factor/health condition or extra workload then kidneys may fall ill. Initially, no symptoms appear in the initial condition of kidney problems but when kidney problems become severe, they cause many complications to take place. Some of the major symptoms, a kidney patient may notice are:

  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Swelling in hands, feet or legs
  • Problem in sleeping 
  • Pain in the abdomen or side of the body
  • Poor appetite
  • Skin bruising or itching
  • Blood in the urine
  • Breath shortness
  • Reduced mental sharpness

Many other symptoms can be seen in a kidney patient. Urine problem treatment in Ayurveda can help you in eradicating all these symptoms naturally.

What causes kidney problems to take place? 

Many factors can be responsible for the poor health of the kidneys. Any adverse factor, workload, and many other factors can be responsible for poor kidney health. Some of those factors are

  • Low blood supply to kidneys
  • High blood pressure or hypertension
  • Consumption of certain medicines
  • Severe Dehydration
  • Alcohol consumption or smoking regularly
  • Intake of protein-rich diet
  • Urinary tract infection

Many other factors can cause kidneys to get lose their functioning ability. One should try to eliminate these causative factors so that to prevent kidney problems that may cause urine problems.

Methods to detect Urine problems

In order to detect any kidney problem, Urinalysis is the most primary test that is recommended by most of the kidney doctors. In this test, some urine samples of a patient are collected and analyzed under a laboratory to determine the abnormality related to it.

Along with that, Blood tests are conducted to determine if you have any kidney problems. In most cases, a doctor also conducts some Screening tests and Biopsy to detect kidney problems. By detecting kidney problems, your doctor can cure your all urine problems effectively.

How to cure Urine problems naturally? 

As mentioned above that most of Urine problems occur due to poor kidney functionality so treating urine problems require to treat underlying kidney problem. By fixing your kidney condition, you can get relieved from all your urine problems automatically. Urine problem treatment in Ayurveda is the best method to cure urine problems.

Ayurveda is a holistic and the most ancient treatment method that works on the root causes of a disease to cure it permanently. This natural treatment utilizes sacred herbs that are found in a specific and entirely natural environment. Due to which, these herbs are found rarely. But if it comes to the effectiveness of these sacred herbs, it’s unmatchable.

Ayurvedic herbs encompass the potential to eliminate the complications of a disease and also restore the health of the damaged organs. In the urine problem condition, this natural treatment method uses the same principle. As a result, it relieves the complications and revives the health of the kidneys so that they can function well to produce and pass urine naturally.

On the other hand, if a patient having Urine problems choose Allopathy then he has to undergo some drug containing medicines, artificial treatment procedures and surgery sometimes. Allopathy can’t proffer you with a permanent solution because it only works on the complications and doesn’t touch the root causes.


Based on the above facts, you can say that Urine problem treatment in Ayurveda is the best way to get rid of all Urine problems efficiently.

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