Treating the problem of adult bed wetting with Ayurveda

Life can be surprising; you may not know what could happen next. Losing the bladder control at night can be embarrassing especially when you are an adult. Generally, bed wetting in adults is rare to be heard and is common among children. Such a thing is not normal in people of and beyond middle ages; it can be a symptom or a cause of underlying diseases. In most of the cases out of the rarest kidney diseases, it has been a prominent symptom of kidney diseases, urinary tract infection, prostate cancer and diabetes.

What causes bedwetting in adults?

The researchers have found the following causes behind the bedwetting in mature people:

  • Genetic defects
  • Hormonal changes
  • Overactive bladder muscles
  • Overconsumption of medicines
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Small bladder

There can be other reasons as well but these are the most effective causes for the reason for unintentional urination by adults at night.

Genetic defects:

It is the prime factor that any healthcare provider will ask for. In rarest of rare cases, it has been proven that bedwetting in adults is because of the genetic defect. Just like other inherited disorders, biological parents may transfer this disorder to their daughters and sons.

Hormonal changes:

As we all are aware that kidneys are responsible for the production of urine and they work day and night to filter the waste and toxins. Only a few of us may know that there is a hormone naming Anti-diuretic hormone that slows down the production of urine especially at night. This is one of the hormones that allow you to have a better sleep at night. The abnormalities in the production of these hormones may lead to a disturbing pattern of urination and lead to losing bladder control.

Overactive bladder muscles:

For those who do not know about the bladder muscles, these muscles are known as detrusor muscles that squeeze when your bladder is full and you urinate. In healthy people, this contraction is controllable and the bladder muscles don’t squeeze out on its own. In unhealthy people, this contraction is uncontrollable and the muscles may squeeze at the wrong time. This can also signify the imbalance in the coordination of your bladder and nervous system.

Over consumption of medicines:

In this busy lifestyle, people are dependent on the medicines that they show much indulgence with it even when they have a cold & cough. These medicines may affect the nervous system and your doctor may prescribe a few medicines. Such medicines can affect your sleeping pattern for which your physician may recommend you another slip of medicines that will have sleeping pills. The moment you start the consumption of those pills, your bladder will start to retaliate and may result in bedwetting as one of the side effects.

Urinary tract infection:

Urinary tract infection is a problematic cause of many diseases and disorders. One of them is bedwetting in adults. Frequent UTI can make the bladder weak and prone to many diseases and that will eventually lead to uncontrollable bladder contractions and the increased output of urine at night deliberately.

Small bladder:

People with the small bladder are often prone to this problem. The size of the bladder doesn’t matter that much rather the functioning capability of the bladder decides if the bedwetting in adults is occurring because of the same or not.

This event is not to feel embarrassed about it. It is one of the disorders that kidney patients undergo in rare cases. This is a loss to the functioning of the entire urinary system including the pair of kidneys. The Ayurvedic treatment for bedwetting in adults will incorporate the healing of uncontrollable bladder contractions and kidney diseases both. All these issues can resolve with the help of an expert only. You should know the best healthcare providers that can eradicate the problem along with the underlying causes and further complications.

The best possible healthcare providers that can help you with the problem of bedwetting in adults are the urologists and the event is occurring because of underlying kidney diseases then you may have to consult the best nephrologist in India. A nephrologist is the one who looks after the well-being of your kidneys and treats them with a type of medicament.

However, we would recommend you go with Ayurvedic kidney experts or nephrologists, who can provide you with a side-effect treatment. Bedwetting in adult’s treatment with Ayurveda can bring a lot of positive changes in your life. All it requires your genuine efforts and dedication towards following the guidelines that he/she provides.

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