9 Foods to Avoid During Kidney Stone Ayurvedic Treatment

There are many dissolved salts and minerals present in the urine. It is inclusive of calcium oxalate and many other compounds mixed together. High levels of such minerals and salts can cause kidney stones in the human body. Initially, the stones are smaller in size and grow larger with time. Sometimes, it even fills kidneys’ hollow structure. 

Kidney stones make their way out of the body through urine. Sometimes, these stones get wedged in the ureter and jam the flow of the urine and lead to deadly pain. However, some stones pass easily through the body and cause no pain. Kidney stones are also known as renal calculi. There is no specification for getting kidney stones. It can harm anyone. Men are likely to get more stones in comparison to women. One can get kidney stones if:

a)     You have a family history of kidney stones. 

b)     You had kidney stones prior. 

c)      You do not keep yourself hydrated. 

d)     You eat a meal rich in protein, sugar, and sodium. 

e)     You are obese. 

f)       You have any kind of cystic disease.  

However, all the pain and other issues can be dealt with, with the help of kidney stone Ayurvedic treatment. Moreover, diet becomes the main concern while we suffer from any disease and staying away from mouth-watering delicacies becomes really tough in such a condition. 

People who love spicy food or masaledaar khana face real struggle as it becomes a bit hard for them to set their taste buds accordingly. In this blog, it is described what are the different food items one should not eat when he or she is suffering from kidney stones. Let us know about them in detail.

Before reading about those food items it is a key point to remember that a patient with kidney stones cannot eat spices because they contain some component that our weak body with a weaker immune system cannot digest.

Avoid these in kidney stones

  1. Sodium - When it comes to kidney stone Ayurvedic treatment it is always suggested that a patient should consume less sodium as it can harm the kidneys even more. This is done because; due to the presence of sodium the calcium buildup takes place and results in kidney stones. 
  1. Soft drinks - We all are aware that soft drinks are not at all a healthy choice for the human body. Moreover, it causes major harm to kidneys and kidney stones. Soft drinks have a high amount of phosphoric acid and phosphate in it that mostly results in the formation of kidney stones. The human body already contains phosphate and soft drinks just add more to the quantity. It gets crystallized when the body cannot hold this overdose of phosphates and causes kidney stones. 
  1. Animal protein - Too much or excess consumption of animal protein or red meat means kidney stones. One can consume it in scattered portions but not altogether as it raises the uric acid level in the body and destroys the citrate level which is very helpful in the prevention of the formation of kidney stones. If you are taking kidney stone Ayurvedic treatment then following the right guidelines includes omission of red meat or animal protein from the diet.  


  1. Spinach - It has been said that eating greens makes the human body healthy and strong. However, you might not know that in 100 grams of spinach there is one gram of oxalic acid present that plays a major role in kidney stone’s formation. It does not allow the kidney stones to break in its simpler form and make the condition even more painful. 
  1. Tomatoes - Tomatoes are rich in oxalate that forms calcium oxalate and increases the chances of getting kidney stones. Along with this, it also increases the pain of stones. In case you badly want to eat tomatoes then do not forget to remove its seeds. 
  1. Rhubarb - As per the directions of kidney stone Ayurvedic treatment, it is significant to avoid rhubarb. The oxalic acid is present in this vegetable in a high percentage and causes major harm to the kidneys. It also assists in making kidney stones grow larger. 
  1. Sugar - One should also avoid sugar in kidney stones and also the products with added sugar in it. The amount of sugar present in your body highly affects the volume of urine inversely. High sugar means low urine production and increased risk of kidney stones. 
  1. Soy products - Soy products causes major harm to kidneys. Kidney stone Ayurvedic treatment suggests the elimination of soy products from the diet as it has oxalate that is tough to remove from the body and can be removed only through urine. 

  1. Tea - Tea can easily elevate the risk of kidney stones. Moreover, it increases the size of the already existing kidney stones.

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