How long can you live with stage 5 renal failure?

By the time a diseased reach stage 5 of kidney disease, the functioning of kidneys is below the range of 15%. In most of the cases, people have been seen taking dialysis or may have undergone a kidney transplant. The stats say that these methods are the preferred methods to beat the short-term living.

But are these methods adequate? Are they providing you the treatment that your renal system is seeking? No, these treatments don’t provide a healthy solution and work only on the upper layer of the disease. The collection of data says that the patients who took these artificial procedures as their priority have faced numerous complications in their lives.

They have been facing complications one after another. We wondered about the reasons and then we find out the best possible reason for such complications, that was the untreated underlying causes. Indeed, the person who took Ayurvedic renal failure treatment ever since it was diagnosed has increased their life span along with healthy living.

No doubt that the artificial procedures of renal failure provides an instant relief to the diseased but Ayurveda provides the better living for the long-term effects. As discussed, stage 5 renal failure is the lethal stage that can become fatal one if the treatment remains constant without adapting to the need of body and the kidneys.

Stage 5 of kidney failure is also known as the ‘End-Stage Renal Failure’ explanatory enough to make you worry about the life expectancy. The answer to the question ‘How long can you live with stage 5 renal failure?’ lies with you only. The life expectancy depends on the type of treatment an individual is taking. We will discuss about the Ayurvedic way that has shown results in a nick of time.

After crossing the four stages of kidney disease, the kidneys have reached this last stage most probably after the gradual loss; also known as the Chronic Kidney Disease. During chronic kidney disease, the kidneys gradually lose their function and reach five distinct stages.

Chronic kidney disease or CKD is a progressive disease that kills the long-term functioning of kidneys. There is no fixed answer to the question ‘how long can you live with stage 5 renal failure?’ as it all depends on the causes, complications and the type of treatment taken. Let us discuss these factors in short.

What are the causes of stage 5 renal failure and how does it reduce the life span of diseased?

During CKD, Glomeruli(s) the primary filtering units in kidneys are attacked by the type of CKD. The diseases that are living for a longer time in the kidneys start to deprive the physical condition of kidneys. Though the common causes of Stage 5 CKD are diabetes and high blood pressure but following are the supporting causes of stage 5 renal failure:

  • Prolonged blockage in the renal system caused by kidney stones, enlarged prostate or any type of cancer
  • Severe inflammation in kidneys, known as Glomerulonephritis
  • Vesicoureteral reflux or hydronephrosis
  • Congenital abnormalities
  • Interstitial nephritis
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Pyelonephritis or kidney infection

What are the risks involved in stage 5 renal failure?

If you do not choose an intimidating treatment for CKD at stages 1, 2, 3 & 4 then it can reduce the life expectancy at stage 5 of kidney diseases and will lead to the following associated risks:

  • High sugar levels or poor control over diabetes
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Kidney disease after a transplant
  • Decreased sexual performance
  • Decreased level of kidney functioning
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney infections

Little did the people know that having transplanted or dialysis is not an ultimate treatment, you will still be dependent and at the risk of losing your life equivalent to when you were suffering from kidney diseases before an artificial treatment.

So why not choose a bonafide treatment from the beginning only? Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda is one such phenomenal natural therapy that provides side effects free Ayurvedic medicines, customized diet charts and a recommendation for lifestyle changes.

How can you live long with the ethics of Ayurvedic treatment for renal failure?

The expectancy of your life at stage 5 of kidney disease can be increased by following the authentic and a bonafide pathway of Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda:

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Stay energized and active
  • Consume a well-balanced diet filled with nutrition and low amounts of sodium, potassium, and phosphorus.
  • Keep a control on your blood pressure
  • Consume Ayurvedic medicines as prescribed
  • Go for a regular check-up
  • Keep a watch on your blood sugar level
  • Don't smoke or use tobacco products

We also discussed the complications so, we better should know about them too. Following would be the complications that can augment the mortality at stage 5 renal failure:

  • Fluid retention (a cause of pulmonary edema)
  • Hyperkalemia (a condition of high potassium in the blood)
  • Narrowed blood vessels
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Weaker bone health
  • Affected health of the nervous system
  • Pericardium
  • Complete kidney failure
  • Complications in conceiving
  • Complications in pregnancy
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Reduced fertility

So, in a nutshell, the life expectancy at stage 5 renal failure is purely based on the type of treatment that a disease is taking. The reason that creates a difference in life span is the artificial and natural process only. What could be a better way to heal? Chemicals or natural? Of course, natural. Not because they are cheap and affordable but because it comes from nature and has no side effects unlike another type of treatment for renal failure.

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