5 Berries for kidney patients

Berries are a healthy source of vitamin C, fiber, and some important antioxidants. These compounds are at the top list of kidney-friendly diets, and so should be on the top list of every person with chronic kidney disease.

Berries, including blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, and raspberries, are some of the healthy fruit choices with limited potassium serving, which is good for chronic kidney disease patients and the patients on dialysis.

The following are the berries for kidney patients


A half-cup of fresh blueberries has 65 mg of potassium, 4 mg of sodium, and 7 mg of phosphorus. The blue color of the berries comes from the anthocyanins. The antioxidants in the berries have fight inflammation in the kidneys, protect the brain from aging, prevent the breakdown of bones and muscle tissues.

You can consume blueberry dried, fresh, and frozen during kidney disease or also as a fruit smoothie.


One-fourth of cranberry offers 17 mg of potassium, 35 mg of sodium, and 6 mg of phosphorus. In contrast, half a cup of serving fresh, dried cranberries contain 24 mg of potassium, 2 mg of sodium, and 5 mg of phosphorus.

Cranberry helps prevent the bacteria from clogging into the wall of the bladder during urinary infections. The other benefit of cranberry is that it prevents ulcer-causing bacteria from growing and multiplying in the gastrointestinal.

The regular consumption of cranberries can avert the growth of cancer-causing agents and heart disease. Consume it as a fruit, or add it to your salads, or drink as a juice.


Half a cup of sweet cherries has 160 mg of potassium and only 15 mg of phosphorus in them. The phytochemicals and antioxidants in the cherries help protect the heart. Besides, if you eat them daily, it can help reduce inflammation.


Half a cup serving of strawberry has 120 mg of potassium, 1 mg of sodium, and 13 mg of phosphorus. Like the blue color of blueberries comes from anthocyanins, the strawberries also credit its color to this compound. The antioxidants in the berries prevent damage to the cells in the body. Apart from that, they are rich in manganese, fiber, and vitamin C. To include strawberries in your diet, you can eat them in your breakfast as cereal, salad, slice them, and eat them fresh.


Half a cup of raspberries has 93 mg of potassium, 0 mg of sodium, and 7 mg of phosphorus. The ellagic acid in the raspberries protects the cells from destruction. Just like any other berry, they are also loaded with folate, fiber, and manganese.

Studies have also shown that raspberries can elude the formation of tumors by preventing cancerous cells from forming.

Add raspberries, to your salad, cereals, and eat as you want.


When starting a new diet, a kidney patient should always consult a doctor or a dietician. During dialysis, a patient needs to make up the right level of everything they consume, and when such levels exceed, complications appear in the body.

Excess of sodium leads to fluid retention, while potassium and phosphorus build up in the body, leads to bone and mineral disorder, and heart palpitations.

On the other hand, if you have diabetes along with kidney disease, dehydrated fruits can be rich in sugars.

There are multiple benefits of berries for kidney failure and the patients on dialysis. No matter how you consume them, the benefits will outward the consequences. 

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