What types of renal diseases can occur during pregnancy?

Can kidney diseases during pregnancy harm your unborn baby?

What can be more beautiful than exploring complete womanhood? No one else can feel the magic that is happening in your womb. Still don’t get it? We are talking about the privilege provided to a woman of giving life to another soul. It is not a passer-by task that anyone can do other than a woman. Pregnancy is nine months period that Prepares and allows a woman to bring another human in this world. A woman will do anything to save her child, be it uncertainty or any disease; she will fight the odds to rescue her little magician.

With this piece of content, you will be taking away some important cues that may arise as a complication during pregnancy or may even lead to miscarriage.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes a lot of changes. These changes can compress the functioning of other organs and may arise a few complications. The female urogenital system includes all the organs that are associated with the process of reproduction and the formation of urine. In general terms this system is known as the renal system including these organs:

  • A pair of kidneys
  • A pair of ureters
  • A bladder
  • Urethra
  • Uterus
  • Ovaries
  • Fallopian tubes
  • Vagina

What triggers the complications during pregnancy?

When a woman is expecting, the urinary system undergoes significant changes that are predictable but whenever an unpredictable change occurs in the body like the occurrence of diseases then it may give way to complications and life risks of both the mother and the child. During the prenatal tests, the identification of certain diseases is done to prevent the loss.

The complications begin with problems like high blood pressure, a major cause of kidney diseases. It may happen because of the compression on kidneys or due to the predictable increase in the abdominal size during pregnancy. Generally, these changes in the blood pressure are controllable but just in case if they are not then they can become hell-of-reason during this beautiful period of nine months. So, it is necessary to take precautions and prevention from such problems.

What types of kidney diseases can trigger pregnancy complications?

Kidney diseases occur majorly because of two reasons, diabetes and high blood pressure. Diabetes is a medical condition that disturbs the balance of glucose levels in the blood. During these diseases, the efficiency of insulin decreases and so the glucose absorption. The kidneys help this hormone to absorb the glucose from food and transport to the cells for energy. So if they fail to do this functioning then this will provide a gateway to diseases in the body of pregnant women.

On the other hand, high blood pressure can also damage become a reason for kidneys. It can cause Vascular is and nephritis that is inflammation and swelling respectively. On the other hand, if a woman is having high blood pressure during pregnancy then it can be a sign of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a medical condition along with the excess or abnormal loss of protein in the urine.

How chronic kidney diseases affect the unborn child?

Know that if you are a CKD or chronic kidney disease patient then there are chances that the growth of the yet to be born child will be slow. The embryo will not grow as fast as it should and may lack in the building up of few tissues and cells. These diseases can be transferred to the unborn child and may result in congenital diseases in the infant afterwards.

Although, if the problem is only about having high blood pressure then it can be controlled with the help of few modifications in diet & lifestyle with the Ayurvedic treatment after the kidney function test during pregnancy.

Is it safe to conceive after a kidney transplant?

A woman is considered healthy if the transplant was successful and not facing any complications after then. To conceive after a kidney transplant, a woman should consider the following aspects before planning:
  • Her kidney functioning rate is normal
  • Her blood pressure is normal
  • It has been 2 years since transplant
  • There is no history of contraceptives

Can a woman with kidney diseases during pregnancy have a normal delivery?

It depends on the condition of the kidneys and the complications during pregnancy that if she can have a normal delivery or not.

What are kidney diseases during pregnancy that can transfer to the unborn baby?

Kidney diseases that occur because of the faulty gene in expecting women are more likely to transfer it to their unborn child. These diseases can be:
  • Nephrotic syndrome
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Fabry disease
  • Respiratory problems
  • Autoimmune diseases

The disease prevalence of such cases is rare but why to take any risk during such a beautiful period of womanhood? So if you are planning to have a baby or expecting it already then do get the necessary tests done and just in case if the results are positive for kidney diseases then find the best cure at the best ayurvedic kidney treatment center in Delhi; Ayurvedic kidney care. Here you will get the guidance of simple modifications in your diet & lifestyle by the kidney expert and his team of dietitians.

So, this was about kidney diseases during pregnancy and how it can affect the unborn baby. If you are curious to know more about the diseases then find more information about kidney diseases here.

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