Three Ways to deal with the problem of kidney failure with Ayurvedic treatment
And the distraught you have to feel because of kidney diseases is never-ending tale until you make a wise choice. Only an Ayurvedic treatment can help you in dealing with the problem of life-risking disease “Kidney Failure or Renal Failure” This is a drastic change that the human body undergoes with. The happening of this event occurs when the functioning capability is left less than 15%. This loss of functioning can be acute or chronic.There are numerous kidney function tests available for the determination of such diseases that you can find once you reach out to the best nephrologist.
Also read: Different types of the kidney function test
Synonymically, this medical condition is also known as the “End-Stage Renal Disease or End-Stage Kidney Failure”. One can find multiple options to choose from for the treatment of such a disease but only a clever can find the loops in the treatments other than Ayurvedic treatment for renal failure.
With this blog, we will tell you the 3 ways by which you can get rid of the kidney failure. So do not escape even a single reading and find what the best nephrologist suggests as a part of their treatment that you can practice at home and you might not need to go to dialysis centers and operation theaters for a transplant.
We do not approve of the dialysis and kidney transplant that can bring a lot of complications along. Kidney disease a progressive disease that results in kidney failure once it gets out of control. Dialysis is not a permanent solution and will require a transplant sooner or later. It is maybe popular and a quick treatment that gives spontaneous results but it will be working on the symptoms. On the other hand, kidney transplant has its complications like the body rejects to function with the donor’s kidney or an unsuccessful surgery.
If the condition of renal disease is not treated on a prior basis then it can bring complications like heart diseases, Anemia and respiratory problems.
The prevalence of renal failure shows that the etiology was inclusive of other medical conditions and inherited medical disorders. It also shows that the beginning of such disorders and diseases became evident when the patients came complaining about the loss of protein (Proteinuria) and protein buildup in the body. After hearing the complaints the kidney experts went through the reports of kidney function tests; where they were then provided with specific types of treatment.
Also read: Causes, Symptoms and Complications of Renal Failure
The condition of kidney failure occurs when the kidneys cross the four stages of kidney diseases. Each stage defines the functioning capability of kidneys with the help of a kidney function test “Estimated Glomeruli Function Test”. On the other hand, if we talk about acute kidney failure then the kidneys may or may not cross over the five stages and will result in failure because of accidental loss or stroke.
Also read: Five stages of kidney diseases
Now let us talk about the three ways by which you can prevent yourself from kidney failure. Ayurveda is a tree that gives the fruit of a healthy and wealthy life. Ayurveda is a heaven’s gift that enables even the lost functioning of any part or organ of the body. So scroll down to know the extraordinary benefits of Ayurvedic treatment for renal complications. Do not miss out on any way that we will be talking about next:
First: Follow a proper renal diet chart
Let us assume that you are at one of the best Ayurvedic kidney failure treatment centers in Delhi, India and there your dietitian gave you a diet chart after a deep analysis of your reports and physical status.
Generally, this type of diet chart involves food and beverages that are exclusive of high sodium, high potassium and high phosphorus food. You should follow the diet chart with determination and dedication as it will bring your health revolutionary changes and energy that you have lost in the past.
Also read: Renal diet chart for vegetarians and vegans
Second: Modifications in the lifestyle
Many of us misinterpret the concept of “modifications in lifestyle” thinking that these will require a lot of changes or will turn the lives upside down. But no! There is nothing like that; you don’t have to turn life but adjust a little. These changes are:
- Following a disciplined daily routine or “Dincharya”
- Abstaining yourself from a strenuous workout and heavyweight lifting
- Abstaining yourself from all the junk and unhealthy food
- Being optimistic about things
- Staying away from stressful situations and acts
- Consuming only fresh and healthy food
Third: Practice Yoga and mediate
“Yoga se hi Hoga” It has now become a popular phrase in recent years. Yoga is a way of stretching, tilting and bending your body in such ways that can stimulate and improves the blood circulation of the inner bodies. Yoga is the supreme way by which you can combat any disease and enhance the functioning of kidneys naturally. It improves the inner strength of the body and boosts the immunity power. Here are a few yoga asanas that can help you with the problem of kidney failure:
- Bhujangasana
- Paripurnasana
- Budhha konasna
- Bitilasana
- Ardh matsyendrasana
So, these were the three effective ways by which you can combat the problem of kidney failure or renal failure with Ayurvedic treatment. If you wish to know more about how the problem of kidney failure is related to the problem of high creatinine level then follow here and if you are looking for the availability of well experienced and educated nephrologist then find the details here.