How To Prevent Thyroid Problems in Females?

While there isn't any particular step or medication available in allopathy that can prevent the progression of thyroid disease, but the solution lies somewhere in nature. In layman's terms, Ayurveda is the one-shot solution of various health problems, including thyroid, that has become commonplace today.

The Ayurvedic treatment uses a precise blend of several powerful herbs that work on the ground causes of the problem and gives permanent relief.


Let's learn more about this disease, its symptoms, and why women are more likely to get affected than men.


What is a thyroid?

The thyroid is a small gland located in the front of your neck, covered around the trachea. The thyroid gland produces various hormones that participate in various bodily processes which occur throughout your body. Thyroid disease mainly occurs when your thyroid gland produces either too much or very few hormones which sometimes trigger some health complications in your body.

If your gland releases too much hormone, then you may develop a condition called hyperthyroidism. Or if your thyroid releases too few hormones that you may have hypothyroidism.

In hyperthyroidism, your body uses energy too quickly that will make you feel tired and sleepy- hyperthyroidism can make your heart beat faster and promote weight loss without even trying.

On the flip side of hypothyroidism, when your thyroid gland produces too little protein can make you sensitive to cold temperature; you may also gain weight and feel more tired than usual.

Who can develop thyroid disease?

Anyone can develop thyroid, which includes- men, women, teenagers, infants, and adults. But thyroid is more common in women than men. Researchers have found that almost five to eight times more women are detected with thyroid disease than men.

You can have thyroid if you fit in any of the conditions mentioned below, including the following-

  • If you have a family history of thyroid disease
  • People who are older than 60, especially women
  • certain medications that have high iodine content
  • If you underwent any condition for your past cancer or thyroid disease.

Why are women more prone to have thyroid than men?

Though thyroid can happen to everyone at any age, women are ten times more likely than men. There isn't any particular reason behind it. Still, doctors have concluded that the phenomenon is connected to female hormonal imbalance, Such as estrogen dominance- A condition in which the level of estrogen hormones increased due to various bodily stresses, such as infertility, miscarriage, irregular cycles, low libido, menopause, and polycystic ovary syndrome.

What are the symptoms of thyroid disease?

A person suffering from hyper or hypothyroidism can experience various symptoms that can also resonate with other medical conditions and stages of life. This makes it hard for a patient to determine whether the complications are due to thyroid issues or something else. The symptoms that you may feel if you have thyroid disease include the following-

  • Losing weight without even trying
  • Feeling sensitive to heat and cold
  • Having a blurry vision or eye irritation
  • Insomnia
  • Experiencing irritability, anxiety, and nervousness
  • Girls having frequent and heavy menstrual periods
  • Having dry and coarse hair
  • Memory loss
  • Weak muscles and tremor

Is there any permanent cure for thyroid disease?

Ayurveda is the permanent solution to this problem. Ayurvedic treatments are based on the formulation of several herbs, leaves, and other natural substances proven effective in treating thyroid disease from its root cause. Ayurvedic treatments for thyroid are based on the principles of Vedic tradition that talk about natural healing with herbs.


What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a science of life that is one of the oldest Indian systems of medicine that focuses on curing health complications naturally with the administration of several powerful herbs, fruits, leaves, and other natural substances composed of unique healing abilities. Ayurveda is built on a belief in maintaining good health by making your body responsive against various diseases that will save you from falling sick.

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