How is The Quality of Life After A Kidney Transplant?

Your health and energy should improve; researchers have found that people who undergo kidney transplantation can live a life without feeling any complications or sickness later in life.

Kidney transplant is successful most of the time, but it's not necessarily important that it's 100 percent safe and reliable. In the broadest sense, people with a family history of kidney failure are still vulnerable to developing kidney failure even after a successful transplant.


Sometimes kidney failure occurs due to genetic malfunctions that run in a bloodline and are passed down from generation to generation. Also, most of the people after kidney transplants have felt some health issues.

Kidney transplantation is not a risk-free procedure due to some reasons

  • Risk related to the surgical procedure itself
  • Side effects of immune suppressant medicines (which is consumed to suppress the activity of your immune system)
  • Risk of the infection in transplanted kidneys

Hence, we can determine that kidney transplantation is not a suitable cure for kidney-related problems. If you're looking for a permanent cure, switch to Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure for a permanent revival of your weak kidney functions.

But before we jump onto the solution, let's discuss kidney failure and how it can wreak havoc on your health if overlooked or not treated in time.

What is kidney failure?

Kidney failure is a gradual loss of kidney function that usually takes decades to get severe over time. Kidney failure is a serious health condition that can be a result of various conditions and medical conditions. Kidney failure is categorized into two different types, such as Acute kidney failure and chronic kidney failure.

How common is kidney failure in India?

There are no exact numbers, but the estimated ratio of kidney failure in India can be more than 850 per million populations, increasing with lightning speed.

How can we detect kidney damage?

Kidney damage is a cumulative loss of kidney function that progresses with time and gives no visible signs of kidney failure in its infancy. A person suffering from kidney failure might feel visible signs after losing 30 to 40% of their kidney functions. The symptoms may include the following-

  • Shortness of breath
  • Itching
  • Peeing less than normal
  • Feeling tired or exhausted all the time
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle twitching
  • Fever
  • Rash
  • Confusion
  • Nosebleed
  • Having back and stomach pain
  • Feeling pain or pressure on the chest
  • Nausea and vomiting

How common is kidney failure in India?

There are no exact numbers, but the estimated ratio of kidney failure in UK can be more than 850 per million population, increasing with lightning speed.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is one of India's oldest natural systems of medicine that talks about holistic health, natural healing, and spiritual awakening. The term Ayurveda means the science of life, which originated from the segment of Vedic tradition that has briefly addressed the idea of natural healing and how a person can attain holistic health.

How Ayurveda promotes kidney functions?

Ayurveda says that kidney failure can result from disruption between the primary life forces of the body. The human body consists of three primary life forces- Doshas- Vata dosha, pitta dosha, and Kapha dosha that supports various important bodily functions, such as-

  1. Metabolism & digestion
  2. Blood circulation
  3. Bowel movements
  4. Pulse movements
  5. Breathe
  6. Thoughts
  7. Immune system
  8. Body-weight
  9. Stamina

Sometimes increased consumption of processed foods high in sodium, fat, and spices can affect your kidneys' health, leading you to the permanent loss of kidney functions.

Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure aims to align disrupted life forces and promote healing on the affected areas around or inside your kidneys. The main ingredient of Ayurvedic treatment emphasizes good lifestyle habits, such as A well-rounded diet, regular exercise routine, and proper sleep.

How soon can you feel the result of Ayurvedic treatment?

If medicines are right, and you're adamantly following a diet plan given by your doctor, you can expect the results within 6 to 12 months. Also, the effect of herbal medicines can vary on various aspects, such as-

  • Your diet
  • From how long you're having this problem
  • How much percentage of kidney functions you have left with
  • The severity of the disease

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