Which Treatment Is Best For Diabetes: Ayurvedic or Allopathic?

Ayurveda vs. Allopathy can pull out an interesting debate together because both the medications share mighty importance in treating severe health conditions. But, Ayurvedic medication seems to be stealing the spotlight from Allopathy as people started realizing the importance of Ayurveda in curing various severe health conditions naturally.

Studies have found that in these tough times of Corona-virus outbreak, when lab prepared vaccines failed in series to prevent virus progression, Ayurveda came to the rescue and benefited patients suffering from COVID-19 with fast recovery. This is how Ayurveda has successfully scored a point, and people started shifting to Ayurvedic solutions to gain their overall health.

Which medicines are effective in treating diabetes?

Allopathy argues and strongly believes that diabetes cannot be cured permanently, but certain medications can prevent the progression of blood sugar levels in your body. However, Ayurveda has a different take on that; Ayurveda claims to have a diabetes solution and promises to deliver 360-degree-relief from the problem naturally without any intervention of lab prepared drugs, injections, or medicines. Several herbs in Ayurveda can effectively cure diabetes of its roots without leaving any side effects on the body.

Diabetes is mainly caused when your pancreas fails to produce enough insulin needed to break down sugar into energy which your body uses for essential functions of the body. The low insulin levels spike the blood sugar level in your body, which starts causing harm to your body. Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes reverses your body's functioning and stimulates the level of insulin inside your body which brings your blood sugar level back to a normal level.

Why do Ayurvedic practitioners strictly condemn consuming antibiotics and painkillers?

Ayurvedic practitioners strictly condemn the administration of allopathic medicines, such as antibiotics, painkillers, and aspirin as they are lab prepared with a combination of several harmful chemicals that can give some serious side effects to your body, such as-

  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Internal bleeding
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Stomach heat
  • Heart attack (if taken without prescription)

On the other hand, the regular consumption of Ayurvedic medicines will do good to your health. Ayurvedic medicines can shower several health benefits, which include-

  • Ayurvedic medicines are effective stress-buster
  • The herbs promote weight loss
  • Ayurvedic medicines increase the blood platelets
  • Ayurvedic medicines detoxify your body from inside
  • Promotes good sleep
  • Improves digestion
  • Improves your metabolism

How soon do Ayurvedic medicines show their effect?

If the medicines are right and you're eating a healthy diet, you can expect the result within 24 to 48 hours. But this is not the exact recovery time; the healing time varies from person to person based on the severity of the disease, the strength of the immune system, your diet, and from how long you're hosting the diseases inside your body.

Can allopathic and Ayurvedic medicines be taken together?

Allopathy can only be used in severe conditions when a person is hospitalized. If Allopathy cures serious health problems, then Ayurvedic medicines lower your threat of developing severe health problems by strengthening your body so that it can readily respond to serious health problems. Ayurvedic medicines can be given with allopathic treatment if the condition is not serious.

However, it's always recommended not to make any changes in your course of medication without your doctor's prescription.

What is the main ingredient of Ayurvedic treatment?

Ayurvedic treatment is all about gaining holistic health by emphasizing diet, natural remedies, meditation, and exercise. In the broadest sense, Ayurvedic treatment is the strong association of Natural remedies, a well-rounded diet, and exercise that promotes healing in the affected area.

Ayurvedic diet

Ayurveda gives a special focus on having a balanced diet as it determines our mental and physical well-being. According to Ayurveda, whatever we eat is looked up to as an offering to our inner fire ( agni), one of five primary elements of the human body- earth, water, space, air, and fire. Every element is in charge of performing essential functions of the body, such as digestion, metabolism, heartbeat, blood circulation, blood pressure, thoughts, pulse movements, breath, body weight, and your immune system.

You can either nourish and strengthen your elements by eating a well-balanced meal or weaken your agni by practising unhealthy lifestyles, such as poor sleep, stress, and increased consumption of junk foods, which can welcome some serious health problems. Consuming a balanced meal that includes all the essential nutrients in a proportionate amount strengthens your immune system, keeping your body safe against many health problems.

Ayurvedic exercise

The chronicles of Ayurveda have briefly addressed the significance of performing physical exercise, which says, "performing physical exercises help one get lightness, eliminate impurities from the body, improve digestion, stimulation of tolerance towards difficulties, and mental peace. Regular exercise also helps you maintain the balance between the doshas (Vata, pitta, and Vata dosha) that keeps you immune to certain diseases.

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