How Fruits Help To Reduce Creatinine Levels?

What is creatinine?

Creatinine a chemical waste product that the muscles create. Most of the creatinine in the body is found in the form of a natural substance called creatine.


Creatinine is released into the bloodstream, filtered by the kidneys, and then expelled through urine in a healthy person. Creatinine levels can, however, build up in the body and cause health problems. Therefore, its presence of greater than normal limits in a given blood sample is a reliable indicator of how the kidneys are functioning. High creatinine levels are usually resultant of improper kidneys' functions or an underlying disease. It indicates an early sign of kidney disease.

You can, however, reduce creatinine levels in your body by following a healthy diet, eating fruits as they help to reduce creatinine levels, and doing regular exercise. Read more to know the fruits to reduce creatinine levels in the body. But before that, let’s dig into some more information on creatinine.

Causes of high creatinine levels

Creatinine is constantly being produced and excreted by the body. Any alteration or obstruction in the production or elimination of creatinine can result in high creatinine levels.

While creatinine levels might rise for a variety of reasons, everyone must endeavor to ensure that the body receives adequate clean blood flow in order to function properly.

Causes that raise creatinine levels are:

  • Dehydration
  • Creatine supplements
  • Low blood flow
  • Impaired kidney function
  • High protein intake
  • Strenuous exercise
  • Certain medications such as antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Fruits to reduce creatinine levels

One of the prime ways to support good health and keep creatinine levels under control is by ensuring that the kidneys are working well. If you have high creatinine levels, fruits can play an essential role in reducing the creatinine level.

Studies have claimed that eating fruits rich in dietary fiber helped to reduce creatinine levels significantly in kidney disease patients. Most natural fruits provide nutritional benefits, but some are considered ‘super foods’.

Consequently, fresh fruits are an excellent source of dietary fiber. Nevertheless, seasonal fruits also have a variety of antioxidants and flavonoids, which help to reduce oxidative stress within the body. Fruits that help to lower creatinine levels also aid in proper digestion. Thereby fruits lead to the overall well-being of a person.

Certain fruits to reduce creatinine levels include:

Apples: Apples are a good source of soluble fiber that can lower cholesterol and glucose levels. It is a significant source of antioxidants which is helpful in reducing high creatinine levels.

Blueberries: Blueberries are a low-calorie source of fiber and vitamin C. They have the potential to cleanse the toxins present in the blood and body. To avoid the problems like high creatine, it is best advised to consume blueberries.

Strawberries: Strawberries are a powerhouse of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. They have anti-inflammation properties that are good for maintaining the health of the kidneys and in reviving their functions again.

Cranberries: Consumption of cranberries are known to be an effective remedy to reduce creatinine level. It has antioxidant and antibiotic properties to cure kidney disease.

Pineapples: Pineapples have a low amount of potassium, phosphorus, and sodium. Also, they are a great source of water and fiber that are good for reducing high creatinine in kidney disease patients.

These are some fruits to reduce creatinine levels. But before making any changes in the diet, make sure to consult a renal dietitian or a kidney specialist to ensure your diet meets your nutritional and overall needs.

Other ways to lower creatinine naturally

Once the creatinine levels are high, a specific diet and lifestyle need to be followed in order to naturally bring the creatinine levels back to normal along with the help of ayurvedic treatment. Before discussing ayurvedic treatment for lowering creatinine levels, let us look into other ways to lower creatinine naturally.

Water intake: Drink plenty of water to reduce creatinine levels and to avoid dehydration. If you already suffer from kidney disease and have a high creatinine level, you should consult your doctor to know the right amount of water intake.

Cut down on proteins: A person with high levels of creatinine must refrain from eating food rich in protein such as eggs, chicken, and red meat. This is because creatinine is formed due to the breakdown of proteins.

Avoid strenuous exercise: As aforementioned, muscular activity converts creatine into creatinine and may cause a high level of creatinine in the body. Therefore, avoid doing strenuous and hardcore exercises.

Avoid creatinine supplements: People who are into bodybuilding and gymming tend to consume creatine supplements which help them to shed fats faster. If creatinine levels are high, these supplements must be avoided.

Ayurvedic treatment: Ayurveda treatment works on the underlying cause of the disease and gives long-lasting relief from the problem. This natural treatment is completely safe and causes no adverse effects on the body. Natural herbs are a powerhouse of medicinal properties that help to reduce high creatinine levels.

To acquire the world’s best ayurvedic treatment reach us at Karma Ayurveda.

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