Can CKD improve?

Chronic kidney disease is characterized by gradual deterioration of kidney function. Your kidneys are the bean-shaped organs that mainly filter wastes, toxins, and unnecessary fluid from the blood and excrete them from your body in the form of urine. Additionally, kidneys carry out many essential functions to ensure good health. When kidney functionality is affected, a dangerous level of wastes and fluid may build up in your body. Kidneys functionality is affected when CKD advances to its further stages. However, you may have no or a few symptoms visible in your body in the early stages of CKD. In other words, chronic kidney disease may not be apparent until your kidney function worsens.


Chronic kidney disease mainly focuses on slowing down the progression of kidney damage by controlling the underlying cause. Detecting CKD in its early stage is required as it may prevent disease progression by starting the right treatment. Early diagnosis and taking CKD treatment in early-stage may prevent kidney failure. However, Ayurvedic treatment is a holistic way to reverse chronic kidney problems naturally.

Symptoms of chronic kidney disease

Initially, no signs or symptoms appear in chronic kidney disease because the damage is minor or moderate. And kidneys are the type of organs that can perform their natural functions until they have severe damage. However, symptoms of CKD may include;

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Sleep problems
  • Changes in urine frequency
  • Loss of mental ability
  • Swelling in different body parts
  • Pain in the back or side of the body
  • Itching
  • High blood pressure
  • Breathing issues
  • Muscle twitching and cramping

Chronic kidney disease symptoms are non-specific as they vary from patient to patient and stage to stage as well. Usually, a CKD patient experiences noticeable symptoms only after CKD stage 3. Though a few symptoms exist in stage 1 or 2 of CKD, they are too mild to detect for a person. A CKD patient should seek medical help as he gets to notice any sign of kidney problems.

Helpful Tips for chronic kidney disease patients

Aside from medicines, some tips can help if kidney patients follow some tips, they can slow down the progression of their kidney damage or declining kidney functionality. Some of those tips are;

  • Quit smoking and/or drinking if you do.
  • Take a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Take less than 6g salt a day.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Practice meditation to keep blood pressure under normal range.
  • Don't take over-the-counter medicines.

Diet plays a crucial role in staying healthy with kidney disease. You can consult a dietician, and he/she may recommend a personalized kidney-friendly diet after looking at your kidney functioning reports. With these lifestyle alterations, you may need to find and follow the best chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda to halt the disease's worsening and prevent kidney failure.

Diagnosis of chronic kidney disease

As mentioned earlier, kidneys are the adaptable organs in the human body, and they can carry out their functions until they are severely damaged. Consequently, most kidney problems do not cause symptoms at the beginning. Kidney diseases cause signs and symptoms to get apparent when their functionality is seriously impaired. But if you go for regular tests, your CKD problem can be detected before developing any symptoms.

Routine blood and urine tests may tell your doctor that there is something wrong with your kidneys. He may order some specific tests for determining kidney functionality and any causative factors for poor kidney health in such cases.

He may order some Screening tests, i.e., Ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI, to determine any blockage, obstruction, tumor, or other structural abnormalities related to kidneys. Eventually, he may ask you to follow a Renal Biopsy where a tiny kidney tissue is examined under a microscope to know the type of kidney disease and its severity.

Once you are diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, choosing the proper treatment along with following some lifestyle changes may help get rid of this problem forever.

The fittest treatment for chronic kidney disease

Conventional treatment mainly emphasizes on suppressing CKD complications and symptoms to delay kidney worsening. But this treatment can’t provide lasting relief as it doesn’t have restorative property. Allopathy takes the help of some drug/chemical-containing medicines and dialysis to manage kidney complications. Ultimately, it suggests renal replacement that is called kidney transplant, to help a patient survive on a healthy kidney taken from any other alive or deceased body. A kidney transplant is a complicated treatment therapy with many side effects, and therefore it turns risky in most cases. And only after a few years, a patient may need another organ for transplant. So, the whole process proves too expensive to afford by a middle-class or low-middle-class family person. Sometimes, you may need to undergo another transplant even if you have taken it twice already. So, you can understand that Allopathy can’t offer a permanent relief to kidney problems. However, it can manage the early stages of CKD with medicines, diet, and some lifestyle modifications. Contrarily, Ayurveda can prove a far better treatment for chronic kidney disease.

Ayurveda is a holistic treatment path that has been here since the world since the dawn of civilization. The ancient medicinal art of Ayurveda can help cure even diseases that are labeled incurable by modern science. The best part of the treatment is that it has the therapeutic and corrective property that helps remove complications and symptoms of disease and restore the health of the damaged organ. As a result, it provides lasting relief from several health issues. In the case of chronic kidney disease, Ayurveda uses its ancient healing art to provide the best and lasting cure.

Primarily, Ayurvedic treatment for chronic kidney disease identifies the root causes of the disease that are usually disturbed or imbalance Dosha or other biological properties. As a result, it prepares a personalized CKD treatment in Ayurveda considering the body type, age, gender, etc., of a patient.

Ayurvedic chronic kidney disease treatment eradicates all your complications and symptoms using herbal formulations and ancient healing therapies. Additionally, an Ayurvedic practitioner also suggests a kidney-friendly diet, yoga poses, and few other lifestyle alterations. So, Ayurvedic treatment offers a complete treatment package for chronic kidney disease that helps a patient gain his normal kidney health and functionality back again.

Since Ayurvedic treatment for CKD utilizes herbal medicines, some therapies, and few day-to-day life changes, it can heal your kidneys naturally without putting any after-use effects on your health. In other words, Ayurveda eradicates your kidney complications and heals your kidneys naturally. Consequently, your kidneys start functioning well, and therefore all your complications are gone. The best characteristic of Ayurveda is that it offers lasting relief and is also free from any side effects.

Choose the best chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda to get your CKD problem improved and cured naturally.

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