Can Kidney Disease Survivor Eating fish?

Consuming a healthy and nutritious diet is important to keep the body healthy and active. But, nowadays due to the hectic and busy lifestyle, people have developed unhealthy eating habits and poor lifestyles.

Modern lifestyle has increased the risk of obesity, consequently, leading to diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, high blood in the urine, cancers, and kidney diseases.

Kidneys are the two fist-sized organs that perform the important task of filtering blood. They eliminate the waste and excess fluid from the blood and excrete through urine. Along with this, the kidneys also produce some hormones that are helpful in the production of red blood cells and to regulate high blood pressure.

But, when there are any illnesses or a health condition arise, the kidneys do not work properly and cause numerous health complications.

Diabetes and high blood pressure are the two main causes as well as symptoms of kidney diseases. That is why it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and dietary habits to keep the kidneys healthy and disease-free.

Why is Protein important for our body?

Protein is one of the building blocks of the body. The body needs protein to grow, heal and stay healthy. Having too little protein can cause the skin, hair, and nails to be weak. Whereas having too much protein can also be a problem for some people. To stay healthy it is necessary to adjust the amount of protein intake.

Here comes the most commonly asked question- Is Eating Fish and Kidney Disease Let us look into it.

As we mentioned earlier, protein is needed for the healthy functioning of the body. In kidney disease patients, protein is needed to strengthen and rejuvenate cells and tissues. Consuming a smaller amount of protein is safe, but too much protein can complicate health conditions for kidney failure patients in the following ways:

  • Consuming fish is restricted for renal patients. Fish is a high source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Both are essential and healthy for the body. But they are not considered beneficial for kidney failure or kidney disease patients.
  • People with kidney disease do not require a large amount of protein intake. Because the kidneys are not able to eliminate waste and toxins in this condition. This waste will load kidneys to work harder. Instead of consuming animal-based sources of protein switch to plant-based sources such as lentils.
  • Consuming fish can cause several levels of potassium to remain in the blood. The kidneys become unable to regulate potassium efficiently in the body. High potassium also affects the heart's muscle work or irregular heartbeat causing a heart attack in renal patients.
  • Consuming fish can raise the acid load and put stress on kidneys. When a person has kidney disease or is a kidney failure survivor, the kidney becomes weak, making it difficult to remove acid buildup in the blood, which makes the kidneys’ situation worse.

To know more about- Can kidney failure survivor consume fish? You must seek advice from a renal dietitian or kidney specialist. They can plan the best diet which helps to improve your overall health.

According to Ayurveda principles, a kidney patient can follow these tips to cure kidney disease:

  • Consume fresh vegetables and fruits that are low in potassium.
  • Choose low-fat dairy products.
  • Cut down on salt in your diet.
  • Avoid processed meats and packaged foods.
  • Drink a sufficient amount of water.

Karma Ayurveda suggests consuming a renal-friendly diet and heart-healthy foods to fight kidney disease. Ayurvedic diet for kidney patients is low in sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and protein. It focuses on a plant-based diet to strengthen kidney function and slow down the progression of kidney disease.

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